T_T hmph

Hey its me again.. i’m kinda sad..
One of my maple buddies suddenly turned nasty, calling me names and slagging me off and stuff..
It just goes to show people are sometimes not what they appear ; _ ;
Least i have some good friends, like Kim, lily, jay, and Jerome. Luff you guys.

9 thoughts on “T_T hmph”

  1. snice u comment my blog i am trying to help, -, – last him did him log in @ dat time?

  2. i am always here for u no matter what but its a shame for ur friend, once 8 of my maple buddys del’d me off there buddy list it was not pretty

  3. awww it’s ok T_____T. it could jsut be some other person on that account. it could just be a cruel family member. one time, my cousins’ cousin hacked his account, droppd all his equips and mesos and was cussin everybody out and he was mass defamed– on my GOOD cousin’s character many things like dis happen ;-;

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