Stop It and Grow Up.

Hmkay so with Amoria out, and marriages and whatnot. I’ve noticed how many people think its sad or whatever. So quite simply, grow up.
Yeah that’s what I said. Grow Up.

Okay so I know some of the time, its just for the privileges and stuff, or sometimes its just for fun. Okay I don’t like that. Well the privileges bit isn’t so bad. But getting married/crush ring for fun? Pfft stupid. Okay onto what I really want to say.

There are some people who are actually /In Love/. You have no right to call them sad, you have no right to call them pathetic, you have no right to judge them. They are In Love dammit. Its no different from being in love with someone you meet face to face. The only difference is its long distance. You fall in love with the person’s personality, you fall in love with who they really are. You don’t judge them on looks or whatnot. So to all of you who call people sad because they met their Boyfriend/Girlfriend online: Love Happens Anytime, Anywhere.

I know what its like. I’m in love, with a guy I met on maple. Oh and saying that, I can see that some of you will be like “Oh you don’t know what love is” Well, yeah shut up. Love has no definite meaning. It’s what it means to a person. And to me, if what I feel for him isn’t love, then I’ll never know what it is. What do you think love is? And yeah, I know that there are people who live near me, but is it my fault I get on better with people I’ve met online? Is it my fault that getting to know people over the internet is a lot easier because they can’t judge me on how I look? And is it my fault I’d rather know them then some shallow person I met because they live near me?

So the next time you’re playing maple or something, and you see a couple with a crushring/something else. Don’t say snide comment. Don’t F7 at them. Don’t call them sad. They’re in Love. And one day you will be too. And hopefully then you’ll realise what its like. And if you still insist on calling people sad, then once again: Grow Up.

Flame me. Post your opinions. Whatever.

[Picture random ss of me and Don]

15 thoughts on “Stop It and Grow Up.”

  1. i got friends on maple who are getting married in real life there sons dating for real life and all it started on maple so i normally defame those who say mean stuff. MASS DEFAME PANDORAS RAGE ON BROA THEY SEARCH FOR PEOPLE LIKE THAT FOR FUN

  2. Except for the fact that most online personalities reflect nothing of the true person in front of the screen, I agree with you.

  3. Mm in some cases thats true. Other times though people are honest and are themselves. I for one am o_O

  4. You have no interaction with the person. The person could be lying, the person could be something else. They can simply take a picture of their neice or something, and say its them. And words as sacred as “Love” And “Passion” being used in a MMO based on shizzing up mushrooms? Phail.

  5. The only thing I dotn understand about Maple Love is that,

    What can you do instead of trainning and getting them item thats “romantic”.

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