A few updates o__o
Okay. So, Me Getting hacked.
Turns out, It wasn’t the virus after all.
Over a Year ago, Back when I was probably in the Level 20 -> 30 region. I was close friends with a guy, and Because back then I had only been playing maple a month or two, I was stupid enough to give him my Info. He gave me his too. Over time we grew distant, and we argued. Over a year later, He still remembered my info. Of Course, I forgot that I had told him it.
The virus thing came at a VERY good time. It totally lead us away from who it could be o_o; Anyways..
I’m sure there’s a few of you out there like me, Forgetful. So you use the same password for most things. My hacker figured that out, and Hacked my email address. The address attached to my maple account. Thus, I could not change my password. I filled out one of the ticket things on the Nexon website. I requested an Email change. They replied within a few days, telling me they usually did not accept email changes, but if i filled out my full name, birthday etc they’d be able to do something. So i was all, Okay that’s cool. -Get on with Life-
Well all was going well, My friends helped me out with money, and equips. Then! I flew out to America with my family, to see Don. While I was there, Don got most of my stuff back from my Hacker. Which was great news.
So I got back to training with Don, Leveling up to level 71. Got my level 2 Poison Mist/Myst(it says mist in the book now D. So I was even more like, Okay that’s cool!
Don got his Dark Arund finally, Which gave him motivation to train x3 And Seeing as I always train with him, I was training too. Getting myself towards Level 72. 58% Came, and Don suggested I see how much I had gone up in the rankings, So I did. I Logged out, typed in my password, Pressed enter. The Incorrect password message popped up.
“Okay.. that’s not cool”
Incorrect Password message.
Incorrect Password message.
So yeah, -Insert a panic here.- I Logged off maple, In a very negative and very horrible Mood. I talked to Don on MSN, then he had to go. Shortly after I went offline, too.
Next day! I Logged into AIM, Unable to even begin to think about maple. Don messages me, and says something about maybe having a solution. So I was all o__o; and he’s all wait till i see if it works or not! So i’m all OMG IMPATIENT. D: Anyways. Later on, He tells me to remember a random number. So I did. So he continues doing whatever he’s doing for a while, then messages me another random sequence of numbers and letters, and States that those numbers and letters are my maple password. “OKAY THAT’S COOL”
Turns out, Nexon had reset my password. And Had sent it to my Hacked email account. >_<
So Don, Being amazing as he is. Contacted my Hacker, got my email’s password. Reactivated the email account, as it had been shutdown from being unactive, and got my Maple password resent.
So, I’m happy to say I got my account back!
I Logged onto windia, Which was.. empty. Logged onto bera, and got spammed <3 Then I dragged Don onto maple, and I spammed my skills for a while, then put them to use at Forest of Golem.
And Before any of you have a go at me for being stupid enough to give my Info out, remember I had been playing around 2 months, I was stupid, and at the time I was very close to the person. I Know it was my fault that I got hacked, But eh, we ALL make mistakes
Anyways! Don and I trained for a while, got up to 77% and decided that we’d like a break. So we went to Amoria PQ. Had a Little trouble getting a party After that we got ready to go in, and Don the leader, Clicked the dude to go in. And he told us we had an under level 40 in our party. “That’s not cool.” We realised one guy in our party wasn’t actually married o_o; But he had a ticket. Yeah anyways he logged onto his other character, which was Married. and we PQed with him on that. That took me up to 79%
Yeah then it was Just TRAINTRAINTRAIN
yeah. So Pictures~
1. Me at thanatos.
2. Don’s Level up
3. My Level up
4. Random Screenshot of Us. 2006 x3
5. Random Screenshot of Us. 2007 x3
You got awesome friends : D
Grats on getting it back!
I’m lucky my ex-boyfriend quit maple. Or died. Either is fine. >.>
It’s Myst! =[ Myst sounds cooler =[ or looks, whatever.
I’ve seen your hubby before. . hum. .
Wow. That’s so cool.

Grats getting your account back.
wat a nice screenshots, the last two. ^_^
Lol cheese.
Lolz. I think I might’ve seen you around in Windia. Contact SolarKatz sometime, and me and your boyfriend can have a discussion about the comment that used to be here.
Cheeze is realleh gonna get killed one day.
But not by any of you, by ME.
Yeah I’ll fuucking kill you for that.”
I edited my comment, hotshot, so you edit yours.
Yeah I’ll fuucking kill you for that.
There, Edited.