~ Insert name here ~

The blazing sun set down to rest far in the horizon, setting the desert rocks ablaze. It sunk lower and lower, finally hiding behind a mountain range, the black shadows sharply contrasting with the flaming backdrop of the sky.

A lone figure slunk around, hiding behind clusters of cactuses and rocks. Slowly, he apporached an oasis.

The oasis was surrounded by triangular tents, flapping in the cold breeze.
The figure shivered. Desert nights were abrupt and sudden, and so was the temperature change.
He adjusted his Dark Patriot, shook the hair out of his eyes, and pulled out an asianic bow.
A small disk of light appeared in the palm of his hand, spun, then elongonated into a soul arrow. Pulling the string back as far as he could go, he aimed at the heart of a tent, where a flickering oil lamp cast the shadow of a man against the side of the tent.

The bowman narrowed his eyes, concentrated on his target,
he let the arrow fly.

A shining beam of light flew across the plain of rocks and cactuses, tearing past the palm trees and tents near the oases, and pierced the tent with unnatural accuracy.
A moan of pain told the hunter that he had hit his mark….
But now was not the time to celebrate. NOW the real fight began.

He made four more soul arrows, and set them on the bow, anticipating the flashes of green light soon to follow.
One flash, then another, followed by 3 more.

“Tsk tsk… Only 5 clerics in a gang as large as this one. What were they thinking?
One by one, he shot them down, and before they could heal themselves, the hunter unleashed an flurry of fire and bombs upon them.

Now, the other members were waking up, and detecting the source of the arrows, charged at him.

The hunter cursed, and began rapidly shooting inferno arrows at them, reducing their numbers considerably.
However, that was not enough, as the mob charged onward.
A fighter picked up a large boulder, and threw it in an arc at the hunter. The hunter saw his change, and blew the boulder apart with an arrow bomb, followed by an inferno right after. This caused a shower of flaming rocks to fall upon the mob, which was then blown apart by 4 arrow bombs shot at the center of the mob.


“Good, he didn’t spot me flash jump away from the bombs” I said, darting around the rocks behind the hunter. Barely a blur, I pulled out a set of steelies, flash jumped high in the air, and dive bombed at the hunter. Right when I was about to crash, I flash jumped to the side and threw a pair of steelies at the hunter.

I cursed, and summoned my shadow partner. That hunter was faster than I thought. He had thrown an arrow bomb at the stars, colliding and creating an explosion in the sky, which gave him cover.
I threw about 8 stars at the rock he was hiding behind, and it crumbled.
But then, he did something unexpected. He bent down, touched his boots with the tips of his index and middle finger, and muttered something. The boots glowed, and before I knew it, he had rushed up to me.
I flashed jumped, but not fast enough. He smote me on the side of my head with his bow, rushed up to me, and kicked me in the chest. I landed hard on the floor, gasping for breath. He stepped on my chest, took out a dagger, threw it beside my head, and knocked me out with a well placed kick.


That assassin wasn’t what I was looking for.
Underlings like him barely fetched a price. The person I wanted was his boss. The head honcho. The Don. I slid down the slope to the oasis, and began looking around for a prized posession of the leader.
“Now then, where’s your pretty little red claw?”
I went through tent after tent, or what remained of the tents. Kicking the carcasses aside, I was just about ready to blow up the whole camp, when I saw some droplets of red.
I followed the trail, and ended up in a small grove of pine trees. In the center, was a grotesque figure.
I could tell that it used to be a woman, but gray fur had sprouted all over her body, her nails had become sharp and hard, and her face was elongonated. I quickly pulled out four more arrows, preparing to strafe, when I realized that she was already dead. An arrow pierced through her left breast and through her lung.

“Tsk tsk… Must have suffocated to death. What a horrible way to die.” I remarked, as I pulled the Red Craven off her left arm, with some difficulty.

“mmm.. You were a lefty. Those are hot. We coulda hit it off, if it weren’t for the fact that you’re a bloodthirsty killer, and right now, you’re just about half wolf..”
Stuffing the Red Craven in the folds of my robe, I made a cross with two soul arrows, and placed them over her heart.
“Rest in peace.” I muttered, as I pulled out a bamboo scroll, unrolled it, ran my finger along it, and vanished in a flash of blue light.


Plox ^^
And could you give me some name suggestions for this series.

15 thoughts on “~ Insert name here ~”

  1. Jesus, why the hell are you spamming!

    Anyway. Cool start with all that action.
    Try to spell out your numbers, or else it’ll make your story look slightly less polished.
    I’m kinda in a hurry here, so yeah, sorry for the sketchy critic. But I liked the story (and the smexeh Ranger, but hey, I am NOT biased~)

  2. Gee, thanks

    SilverFx said: “Jesus you rock

    Anyway. Cool start with all that action.
    Try to spell out your numbers, or else it’ll make your story look slightly less polished.
    I’m kinda in a hurry here, so yeah, sorry for the sketchy critic. But I liked the story (and the smexeh Ranger, but hey, I am NOT biased~)”

  3. I like the switching of perspective from hunter to sin, makes the reader understand WHY somebody does somethingÂ…

    Btw it’s ‘enlongated’ lols. ;D

  4. Jesus, are you from spam-a-lot?

    good story, very well-paced and the action is great
    but try to spell check some stuff and it’s confusing which is pretty cool too!

    namesI’m thinking these of the top of my head here)

    These names really suck! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!

    ~LaZzz. . .

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