Baby, I. N. A. – C9


“EY, WHATS BEEN GOIN’ ON IN HERE?!” Lavi shouted out at me.

“Nothing, nothing!” I cried back.

“Nothing happened yet the temple is crumbling? Don’t be stupid. I heard those explosions.” Lena said, sternly. “Look! Your arm’s singed!”

I looked down at an angry red burn shining through a hole in my robes.

“Woops” I said, grinning.

“Aww, c’mon now. You could at least let us in on some of the action” Lavi said, pouting. “It’s like I got this hammer for nothing!”
“Ohhh.. I don’t know… I could care less if my hands got dirty.” Cassie remarked.

“You don’t even fight directly” Lavi retorted. (With a >.>/f3 face)

“T’cha!”, Lena tisked, as she healed my burn.

“So what exactly happened in here?” Lavi asked.

“This.” I replied, handing him the gloves.

“Fancy. Lots of designs on them. Wonder what they’re for?” said Lavi.
“Uhh….” I mumbled. “Looked like the owner was fighting with these instead of a staff or wand, channeling fire magic through them?”

“Ooooh! That’s hot!” Lavi cried out.

I reached over and slapped him.


“So then, what happened to the orb that we were sent to get?” I said.

“Right. About that… The guy blew it up.” Rei told me, grinning sheepishly.

“UGH! First mission failed in 7 years!” I groaned, shooting him an icy glare.

“Relax, Cass. I fail every other mission” Lavi said, leaning against my side.

“That’s because you smash everything.” I pointed out.

“HEY! C’mon, I left that mountain untouched, right?” He replied.
I smiled and pushed him away.


I rolled away. Stopping myself my planting my hand on the floor.

The floor sunk away under my hand, and I followed suit, into darkness.
“Holy **** !” I cried out


“LAVI!” I yelled, while making an arrow for light, and jumped down after him.


“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” I cried out to Rei, jumping down after him.



“Ah well, better go check up on the kiddos.” I said to no-one in particular, leaping nimbly down into darkness.

4 thoughts on “Baby, I. N. A. – C9”

  1. The only suggestion I have is to not switch views so often, because the effect isn’t as good with more peoples’ “points”

  2. Quite confusing. It took me a few moments to compute what was actually happening. I agree with ShiningWings. I think that you either stick with only one person or just use third person POVs.

  3. The dialogues need a kind of a break inbetween them, and spacing just won’t do it.
    Or that’s how I feel.

  4. Of course dialogue needs space, but if you switch too often – as in every line or two – your reader will lose interest because it might become confusing for them.

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