Hello. Fujiokaze here. haven’t blogged in a while. >.< ok, to my story now. i just got that rukia looking hair. I am really happy with the hair, well at least i was. see, my friend said she’s getting my hair and i’m not so happy for some reason. I spent a lot of money trying to get the rukia-ish hair and another one of my friends calls me rukia because of it. IT FEELS SO NICE HAVING THIS HAIR BUT it feels as if it’s not important that much anymore. i mean, i’m seeing a lot of people with the rukia-ish hair. it’s getting like too common. my sister said don’t worry about it BUT I CAN’T STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT I CAN’T SLEEP AT NITE D: i kno i shouldn’t be worrying because probably a lot of people i don’t even kno have rukia-ish hair. so i was thinking it over, if my friend did get my hair, then i would change my hair. but i don’t kno what other hair fits me.
i used to have naomi hair and i was thinking of getting it again, but i sort of wanted this other hair sort of. but my friend has the other hair i want and if i got it she would feel like how im feeling right now. and i’ve been lying in bed at night wondering what to do until like it’s 1 a.m. then i still can’t sleep. but then i tell myself she might not get the rukia-ish hair and i have to b strong and not worry cause it’s only a game. but i have the same fear every night.
but my sister says i shouldn’t change my hair cause i spent a lot of money on it. i kno she’s right, but i won’t ever b the same if my friend got my hair. i mean, she’s only getting it because her bf is a fan of it. I HAVE HAIR ISSUES. TALK ABOUT A HAIRY SITUATION!!!
but I think maybe I should keep it for a while at least. well, on the bright side my sister is helping me with a quest to make me feel better.
( i drew a pic. not that good)
EDIT: eeeep! the drawing is huge…
Don’t mind me when I say “terrible pun.”
Lol. I was amused because of the way you kinda just rambled on and on and on at the beginning.
Well. I have that stupid girlygirlybigfuglyribbon Rose hair that everyone seems to have as well, but I’m that bothered by it. Really.
So. Eh. Good luck with over coming that Hairy Situation. [/actually-rather-funny pun]
I know how you feel. My hair, (The Terius/Tristan) used to be very rare, and now it’s making it’s way up the popularity ladder. I wish it’d go back down so I could be more original again. . . .
That drawing is so cute!
My hair is the disleveled type. It’s incredibly rare and only a dew players have it. I rock this hairstyle and people compliment my originality all the time. But I also attract flamers who call me “emo” -_- *Coughmostlygirlscough*
Is this hair issue for your character in MapleStory? o_o
Or WoW?
Or RagnarokOnline?