Year-End Ninjapalooza! No soup for you!

Hello one and all!

The Ninja welcomes you to the year of 2007. Which, already, forecasts many a good assassination, dismemberment, decapi- anyways.

The point of this blog is to make you, the reader, think as you read the Ninja’s biting wit.

So, let’s overview a good bit of the year!

Obvious Year Overview

January through May – Aboslutely nothing. The Ninja watched a clock for 5 months. Mental training.

June – The Ninja starts MS. Makes first million in about three weeks.

July – August – The Ninja reaches level 32 and stays this way for three months.

September – The Ninja joins MMOT. The masses go wild. The Ninja falls in love with the wonderful Alley. Millions of grief-stricken women kill themselves upon finding the Ninja is taken. Thankfully, Ezyan resisted the temptation, as did Aliyah.

October – Dull. The Ninja threw an egg at a cat Halloween night, but not much more. Waffle quits. The Ninja acquires his frozen Tuna. Waffle returns. Not so dull, after all.

November – The famed Ninja-Ezyan-Aliyah War. The Ninja wins and the two girls are left alone and heartbroken. Powertrains a weekend, and gets to 35 (from 32.) 14 hours of nonstop training! Whee!

December – This month. Not over yet! No analysis for you!

The Ninja’s Quotes Of The Year

To Ezyan, during aforementioned war:

“What doctored proof?

Have you any undoctored proof of the Ninja’s nonexistant doctored proof?”


“The Ninja keeps broad horizions just in case he may have to kill someone with an incongrous object like knitting needles.”

“Oh, ha. The Ninja nearly flipped out and killed everyone, because his toaster was unplugged.”

“The Ninja uses third person because of a traumatic, first person experience involving a Game Boy cartridge, and a spoon.”

“The Ninja will do his very best to not assassinate you. Pinkie promise.”

And the Ninja’s personal favourite:

“The Ninja has had it with these m%$#@%$@#%%ing snakes on the m%#$@%$#@Q%$#ing plane!”

Questionnaire Time!

What have you thought of the Ninja? Opinions welcome. Critics assassinated.


The year’s been a good one. Here’s to a good 2007 and whatnot.

Keep your wits sharp and your blades sharper!
~The Ninja

{P.S. The Ninja is only friendly because he’s been told to by Alley! Or was he?! Conspiracies!}

15 thoughts on “Year-End Ninjapalooza! No soup for you!”

  1. Shows in the RP, eh?

    Opinion? GGK, Bypass, and God-mode. Yet your a saint to the world.

    3rd-person? Jeeze, you killed first-person. Your stepping on it as it cries for help.

    Alley? Keep wits to her, and watch your back.

    The fact that anything with your name on it got around 10 likes? Envy inspires respect, respect inspires power, power inspires force. Look at Ganzicus, he is as famous as Steel-Whip Mip.

    Doctored proof? Only in the 3rd universe, my friend.

    As in all, I pat you on the back while watching for a blade near my neck.

    Conspiracies hold grief until freed.


    P.S Thumbs up.

  2. I agree, Ganzicus is a outburst. He received a landslide of “i likes”
    I have to admit.
    I envy him.

  3. I think your a werid person. Your famous, great in power, but! however, teh power of the meep does not fear the ninja O.o! Well Merry New year and a Happy Christmas ^_^! Or was it the other way around? WELL IN HARRY POTTER THEY SAY HAPPY CHRISTMAS >:O

  4. Hahahahhaha the ninja wasn’t talking in 3rd person in the last part! eyahahah!

    *Gets stabbed* ahahahha! im wearing stab-proof suiting! YEEEEEH BOI!


    Heppy New Year Ninja.

    And happy new year to all!

    HO HO HO!~

    Random guy= u said a bad word!

  5. Lol ninja you nut. I still remember when I first heard that bit about the sewing needles. ^^

  6. You joined MMOtales in September. . .so did I. . .God. If this was a Ninja movie there’d be a Drunken Master telling us were long lost kin or something. Cept you’d be the one who got all the Ninja training and I was the one forced to work in a Pie factory against my will. Lukcily I made the pie cannon and killed everyone there in order to escape through the exit 4 feet from where I was working. . .

  7. Oh, forgot. Have you ever went to That guy is funny. And it makes sense, like KillaCon. (And if you don’t know, Piecannon is basically a cannon, which shoots pies instead of cannonballs or people.)

  8. Not to mention I got you in a guild and then you were all jr masterness =P!
    I don’t remember when that was, Hah.
    Hmm. xD Lol.
    SNAKES ON A MOTHER F%*#%^@ plane.
    >.> Anyway.
    I donno about people but I like the Ninja. ^-^

  9. That’s why I didn’t recognize you! You joined when I decided to take my three month break and then didn’t return until November, so I come back like “Whodahell is this dis Ninja?” Dx

    I can never seem to find anyone who joined before June. . .I miss JesusFreak and Mip uberly ;_;

    Anyways, Tamaranians > Samurai > Ninja > Pirates. Nothing beats the Tamaranians. Nothing.

  10. xD

    I saw my name there quite a few times. xD And I remember that quote. -_____–;;; But regardless, I loved the quotes. xD

  11. ooooo ur cool*have a cookie* also *takes out omok board* and *takes out machine gun* whoops wrong pocket *smiles evily*

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