Name – The Ninja
Age – 19
Gender – Male
Specialty: Ninja skills. Silent killing. Being undetectable. Fire and lightning, Ninja magic wise.
Strengths: The Ninja’s as close as one can get to godmoding without godmoding. Skillz in the form of Ninja magic, which is of every element, and quite pretty to watch. The Ninja’s alchemic skills have improved, and the metal armguards he wears can be turned into a blade a la Edward Elric. Still carries the Katana, and steelies. Also has a bag of Ninja tricks, such as smoke bombs and explosive tags. Proficient with any and all types of weaponry. Hates pirates. Enjoys long strolls down sunset lit bea- wait, wrong thing.
Weaknesses: There is only one way to kill the Ninja, and it’s a closely guarded, complicated process. No one but the Ninja seems to know it, though a Ninja almost let it slip. Has a weakness of sorts for Alley.
Bio: The Ninja’s background is shrouded in darkness. Bluntly, the Author Ninja doesn’t care to go into details for this section.
Looks description: Black, full body, typical Ninja suit. Is white, ethnically. Has a mask and long, flowing, red Ninja scarf which can double as a cloak. Looks are quite stunning, but no one’s seen ’em, so no one can really say that.
Picture: link
Theme Song: MC Hammer – U Can’t Touch This
Quote: “Ready to die?”
“The Ninja bids you adieu.”
“Guru’s a liberal! Booo!”
“Global warming is a sham!”
(The Ninja had to sneak a bit of politics in there.)
Notice people, it’ll seem that you gotta make a new character template into a blog.
It’ll make things easier for the RP Master.
I thought ninja magic was only earth, water, wind?
Hey, Fpooned.
Change the game to Syphon Filter, not Maple Story.
So that all the Character Sheets go in that game, no one has made a blog about the game anyways.
Easier to find everyone. (My idea)
When you make your character sheet, put the game as Syphon Filter. So that all the sheets go in one non-used game. Easier to find.
input that idea onto teh coment thread and the RPMaster blog. Say that i approve xD
and when you makethe blog, in the bottom put “do not press like” that way other people who arent RPers wont be bothered with character info on te firsst page
pirkid said: ” Dec 14, 6:33pm
Oh, and to classify all the blogs, tell everyone to make the game Syphon Filter (or some non-known game) instead of Maple Story. (Near top of Blog Creation page).
That way all of ’em will go in that section.
(Everyone can still see it.)
Just an idea. ^^
It has been approved, so do it.
Hahahahaha! That sounds so cool! *Can’t wait to become a full fledged ninja!*
I already made some giant shuriken and throwing stars out of some building materials I found in my house! And I got a ninja mask!
*Bows to Pij/The Ninja, dunno if I’m allowed to call him by Pij. . . Maybe Sensei or something. . .*
Oh btw. Can you give Imppala some grace to do his bio? He’s sort of not here, eheh. He’ll be back on the 22nd, but meanwhile, I can’t really write a Bio for his character. . .
Syphon Filter, not SOCOM.:P
There are other SOCOM blogs, there are no other blogs on Syphon ‘cept me and Chris’s bio.
SOCOM is sexier.
Your choice, easier in Syphon. ^^
The Ninja’s point has been made.
Can I have ‘THE’ Ninja’s signatureeee~