Return of the Floo

Heh, i was gone for nearly 2 years, but I just came back and read the exciting comments left by some of my readers.

Needless to say, I was thrilled to see they loved my work so much, which made me feel quite guilty about leaving in the first place. Mind you, I never read my comments… until weeks after I’ve written it. Well, there was one exception… when i first started writing.

And now that I’m back, it feels as though my fans disappeared. I am, of course, disappointed to see the fans of my aimless stories ended their Blog careers like I did, but when one door closes, another door opens. So, with that belief in mind, I hope to write many more stories (on this account alone) and allow many to enjoy my tales.

And last but not least, along with quitting the blogs, i quit maple. I’m back on that too now, and decided to level up vigorously in the past couple weeks. After 7 months of inactivity across 12 characters, I am proud to say I made my first 3rd job character…. and I am so very proud I didn’t quit two levels into it. I actually stuck to my goal.

If i can do it in Maple, I can do it here too, right?

Within the next few days, I will post my first blog since my return (and until then, enjoy two blogs of mine in particular… Pocki’s request and the love story that was reposted twice…but only read one of them).

Wish me luck, fellow storytellers ;D


2 thoughts on “Return of the Floo”

  1. Welcome back.

    Looking forward to reading your blogs; I kinda thought what you had on your profile had original ideas, though they are a little rough-shod.
    Good luck!

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