This is mostly translated from a CMS article:
There are many differences and only one similarity between level 29 and 92. Differences first:
At level 29 I kill monsters for fun. At level 92 I kill monsters to level.
At level 29 I hated the crowd at Ant Tunnel. At level 92 I barely cast a second glance at them.
At level 29 35 exp from Horny Mushroom were plenty for me. At level 92 2100 exp, even doubled, were never enough for me.
At level 29 I felt levels were literally flying by. At level 92 I felt levels never seem to move itself.
At level 29 I picked up any equipments with lightning speed. At level 92 I don’t even bother to look at that level 50 China someone dropped.
At level 29 My bag was full of return to various town scrolls and considered Taxi a waste of money. At level 92 I only have return to nearest town and consider Taxi a great convinence.
At level 29 the earring I wanted was red-hearted earring, and the hat I wanted was red matty. At level 92 the earring I wanted was a Crystal Flowerring scrolled with 5 10%, and the hat I wanted was Zakum hat.
At level 29 I had a grand total of 60k, but always generously gives some money to beggars. At level 92 I had a grand total of 60M, but disappears from the sight of any beggar within three seconds.
At level 29 I will sell a good scroll for 150k for money. At level 92 I will buy the same scroll for 150k for profit.
At level 29 I liked most people I see. At level 92 I hated most people I see.
At level 29 I considered friends valuable. At level 92 I considered friends a waste of time.
At level 29 I hid myself in the cabin on the ship to Orbis, in fear of the mighty Balrog. At level 92 I just mope at the sky outside the cabin, thinking “Did Balrog caught a cold or something?”
Finally, the one similarity:
Both at level 29 and level 92, I felt my level was too low.
One thing I hate is, when you see some armor that you think is so awesome and you want it so bad. Then you lvl your way up and you get it, and your just like, “Meh, ” Then you think, “OMGZORZ, LVL 80 ARMOR, WOOT!” And the same thing happens when you get that armor. MMOs suck.
that got more depressing as it went along,
chear up emo child for 4th job advancements are coming in a few months
-a new insentive to get to lv 120 (just pretend like they already out and when u get to lvl 120 they should be XD)
that got more depressing as it went along,
chear up emo child for 4th job advancements are coming in a few months
-a new insentive to get to lv 120 (just pretend like they already out and when u get to lvl 120 they should be XD)
Sad, but true.
I’m going to save this one,
Well, thats generally what I think of you ‘Pros’
You all turn into jerks after you reach third job advancment, and you stay that way.
You KS and KS without ever thinking about what you’re doing to other people
And you think of yourselves WAY too highly
90% of all ‘Pros’ should be banned for harrasment
Well Sirsolo, I don’t think he is talking about himself? since he said “This is mostly translated from a CMS article”, but I think it is true, “pros” defianlty aren’t the most friendlist people. . .
lol sounds true enough
unless there are some regular ppl, the pros are noob at heart. u can see about it on 1 of my blog.
thats pretty true of that thing u posted.
I saw this about a month or two ago on Gfaqs. <<;;
o_o;; Erm, well . . .
I dont find that true at all. n_n;;
most of my friends on my buddy list reached 3rd job, and they are as kind as ever<3.
omg, now that i think of it, thats exactly what i am feeling! X)
So true, so true, I really wouldn’t know, but im starting to get to that point,
^-^ Hehe. Well, if I ever get to level 92, I’ll be nice to everyone and prove you all wrong. Note the ‘if’. -_-
The ending made me laugh. Kudos.
i guess power really does go to your head
your right
im only level 44 and lately ive been such a jerk
which is totally out of my character considering i cant help but think o other before myself