Hi all! FirstKnight writing his MMO experience!
Okay, so today I decided to do all the quests in Korean Folk Town. Yes, all. All as in everything. You get the picture.
This one quest was really annoying. It was the last one. It’s called “Mr. Shim’s Request”. All you have to do is collect 300 rice from retz, and that’s it. You’re done.
Seeing that I wanted to finish all of my quests, I headed to Helios Tower. It’s a good thing Korean Folk Town connects Aqua Road and Ludibrium; traveling is much faster. I passed the Library, and went to go kill retz on the 98th floor.
After around 20 minutes, I got around 90 sacks. It’s a really good thing I had Arrow Rain, or else this quest would of been much much harder. Anyways, I was around 98%, so I was close to leveling.
Yes, you’re correct. I did level on retz. (Refer to picture 1)
After I leveled, I had around 170 rice. I kept on going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going…
Until I got 300 sacks of rice. I was really glad that was over.
Just kidding. XD But I was glad.
So, after I got 300, I checked my inventory. I got:
– 300 rice (duh)
– Approximately 3%
– 1341 seeds (Refer to picture 2)
– 2 Jangoon Boots (Refer to picture 3)
I rushed to go back to Mr. Shim to give him his rice…
“You have gained experience (+5700)”
“You have lost items (300 State-held Rice)”
“You have gained an item (Storybook on Shim Chung)”
OMGOMG I’M GOING TO DIE I WASTED MY TIME DOING THIS QUEST. Well, it’s my fault I wanted to do the quest.
I went to give the book to Wiz the Librarian. As expected, he gave me cheeses. 30, melting, delicious, mouth-watering… okay, I’ll stop. He gave me 30 cheeses. (Refer to picture 4)
I went to go put it back in storage. Now I have 210 cheeses (Refer to picture 5). Oh, and did I mention I finished all of the book quest? I guess I’m okay with that.
So, this is my story of the Mr. Shim’s Request quest. I have 3 tips for you:
1. If you don’t have the patience to do this quest, don’t do it.
2. If you want to do this quest, be sure you have a mob attack, or patience.
3. If you don’t like the reward, don’t even touch the quest.
That is all.
Ahahah. That quest is so time-consuming! I stood around and killed retz for awhile and after I had 13 bags, I had to call quits. XD
I hate those quests! (Refers to “KFTL Quests Bring Chaos, Not Peace”‘) Good job! I don’t think I can do it, Too much work for nothing. D: Btw, sell the melting cheese. Trust me, its worth it. 60k per 30 melting cheese, imagine how much money you can get by sell ’em all!
~ <(-.-<‘)Pain(>-.-)> (New signiture. Kirbies protecting me!
EDIT: ARGH! I don’t like the smilies anymore. T.T
~ <(-.-<‘)Pain(>-.-)> (New signiture. Kirbies protecting me!
EDIT: ARGH! I don’t like the smilies anymore. T.T”
You can’t make Kirby your man whore slave–I mean bodyguard! He has to protect Dreamland from w/e eyeball monsters that decide to wreak havoc!
~ <(-.-<‘)Pain(>-.-)> (New signiture. Kirbies protecting me!
EDIT: ARGH! I don’t like the smilies anymore. T.T”
You can’t make Kirby your man whore slave–I mean bodyguard! He has to protect Dreamland from w/e eyeball monsters that decide to wreak havoc!
Ha ha ha, Very funny, -.-
~ <(-.-<‘)Pain(>-.-)> (New signiture. Kirbies protecting me!
EDIT: ARGH! I don’t like the smilies anymore. T.T”
You can’t make Kirby your man whore slave–I mean bodyguard! He has to protect Dreamland from w/e eyeball monsters that decide to wreak havoc!
Ha ha ha, Very funny, -.-“
Is that why you’re laughing?
Vanilla! =D
Nice blog btw. =o
It would be great exp if you’re an I/L Wiz.
I’m not gonna do Mr. Shim’s request till I become a Priest and get Shining Ray. D:
Magic Claw sucks.
Mr. Shim is a slave-driver.