Before we start the story, I’ll tell a quick summary on the previous story.
This story takes place in the future. The world is heavily populated by the undead, and this is the story of four teenagers trying to rid the world from the undead legion. They use an accessory called the “Divine Persecution” to repel the undead force.
Previously, the main characters go into the town of Sleepywood. They adventure through the dark caves of this ghost town, and finds mysterious allies and enemies.
These are the characters and undead types:
Main Characters:
Kenneth A 17-year old teenage boy who specializes in solving tricks and puzzles. Intelligent and kind, he helps out his friends in their journey. His mom passed away from an undead attack, and hopes to save other citizens from the same, cruel fate.
Occupation: Ranger
Spade An 18-year old whose personalities are reckless, energetic and wild. His favorite activity is combat. Spade is an orphan who does not remember about his family, but assumes the undead is responsible, and seeks revenge from the undead.
Occupation: Dragon Knight
Patrick A cowardly 15-year old boy who goes undead hunting for money. His goal is to cure his mom by hiring professional doctors.
Occupation: Ice/Lightning Mage
Susan A cheerful and optimistic 17-year old teenage girl who ran away from her parents house. Her reason is to help others from the undead rule, and to escape from her evil foster parents.
Occupation: Hermit
Other Characters:
Mr. Wetbottom Owner of the Hotel Sauna in the town Sleepywood. He helps the four on their adventure through Sleepywood.
Kaen A mysterious Fire Mage who interrupted the Jr. Balrog battle, and won. He tells Kenneth to go to Ossyria for further training.
Spiruna Unknown. Kaen tells Kenneth to meet this person for the training.
King Ergoth Ruler of the undead society, the criminal mastermind.
Undead Types:
Muertos Dead creatures reformed or remade to become part of the undead legion. They are controlled puppets, and the puppeteer is King Ergoth. They wear talismans, or charms of the undead.
Almas They still have a little soul from their live form, but most gone. Not fully controlled like the Muertos, and does not have a charm. It still has some good, but rarely any.
Unclassified Strongest undead type. Still unknown.
And here’s the story!
Wake up, wake up!
I heard a voice of a girl telling me to wake up. When I did, I noticed I was surrounded by fresh tomatoes. Where am I
Youre at the tomato field, silly! The girl told me and laughed, as she danced around the field. I saw you lying down here when I came
I think that snail beat you up, heehee!
I looked around, and I saw one red snail, staring at me.
I see, you thought that I got beat up by that snail? Pfft, he cant beat me. I was just, um
sleeping. Yeah, I got tired and I slept. I lied.
Hehe, youre such a bad liar! I blushed. Anyways, my name is Danielle, nice to meet you.
Hi. Im Kenneth. Likewise, Danielle.
We walked for several minutes together, and she kept on asking me questions. One question interested me.
What do you want to be when you grow up, Kenneth?
I thought for awhile. I want to be a Ranger. Theyre really cool! I want to be fast and strong like them.
Interesting! said Danielle. Guess what I want to be when I grow up.
I guessed. Umm, a Ranger like me?
Close guess, but nope! I want to be a Priestess! I want to help people, and be the kindest Priestess in the world!
Thats a very nice reason! Im sure you can be one.
Hehe, thanks Kenneth!
I woke up, and I noticed I was in the Orbis ship cabin. Just a dream of my childhood… Danielle, I wish you were here, adventuring with me. I remember when we got our first job advancement ”
Kenneth, Im a Magician now!
Danielle came out from Grendel the Really Olds house, wearing a new set of clothes and wielding a wooden wand on her right hand.
Congratulations Danielle! Youre one step closer to your dream! Now, its my turn to get my job advancement.
We walked a long distance to Henesys, and headed to Athena Pierces Archer school. We entered, and I told Athena Pierce I wanted to be a bowman. She told me she was going to give me a little test, to slay some monsters so she can know my capability.
Well, Im going in now. Wish me luck!
Good luck Kenneth! Danielle chuckled, and gave me a quick little kiss on my cheek. I blushed, and followed Athena Pierce.
After a few minutes, I came back. I carried my new bow proudly; its cool blue color shined in the light from the sun.
Yay! You did it!
Thanks to your luck, I said, turning a little red.
We also got our second and third job advancement together. Our friendship grew bigger and bigger as days passed. Remembering about Danielle made me want to cry. The happy times ended on that cruel day When King Ergoth appeared.
King Ergoth is targeting all Clerics and Priests
He already destroyed Master Grendels Cleric and Priest skills, so no more can be born
They just defeated their greatest enemy.
It was Danielle who was telling me this. I couldnt believe it; my best friend had to leave.
All of us have to be eliminated, and he is searching for survivors. He already destroyed most of the Clerics and Priests in the world
Im one of the few left. Kenneth, please take this, and remember our happy days.
She gave me a necklace with a cross on it, creating a luminescence. It sparkled in the atmosphere. This is a Divine Persecution. It will help you defeat the undead. They are going to try to take over the whole world
so its better if you help other people for me, or at least save yourself.
Tears suddenly fell from my eyes. Danielle comforted me, and hugged me.
Im sure you will be a great Ranger like you dreamed. Im rooting for you, Kenneth!
I thought of something, and Danielle reminded me about her dream.
You fulfilled your dream. To me, you are the kindest Priestess in the world.
I saw a tear from her eyes, and saw her smile. She turned back, and started walking.
Then she left. I never saw her again.
Why did it have to be Priests why? Why Danielle? I started to cry. Now I remembered the other reason for this mission; a big one. Why did I miss this one? It was the most important. My mission no, ambition is to fulfill Danielles dream; to help the people of this world.
So, how did you like my prologue? If it was confusing, sorry. Danielle is this girl Kenneth was friends with in his childhood, and she got killed by King Ergoth. All Clerics and Priests did. Anyways, this dream Kenneth saw reminded him of his second reason why he went to hunt the undead. He probably forgot because this was his childhood, and it’s hard to recall. Have you experienced that?
Well, on MapleStory, I am extremely, I mean, EXTREMELY bored with my Ranger. But I promised myself, I’m not quitting. Right now I’m just taking a little break. And no, I’m not giving my account. As I asked previously, please help me decide if I should continue my Ranger (train) by force or play FlyFF for awhile. Thank you!
I have sad news… well, if anyone cares. It’s about me, anyways. My guild is going to get disbanded! Yes, HolyDeathXD. I wrote a blog about this guild before, and I’m deeply depressed that this guild is going to be disbanded. I have been in it for past a year, and now it’s going to be disbanded. The horror!
Well, happy blogging everyone! Thanks for reading this long blog~~ and criticism/opinions please!
*sniff sniff* So sad
But awesome story

Holy, you read fast!
I can’t read that fast; especially when the story is confusing. I’m slow at understanding stories, so I read kind of slow.
But I’m not THAT slow!
Edit: I noticed I reply slow too. – –
Nice! I should try to make a story, Then again, too much pressure and stuff to TYPE! , but then again, I would be famous, But then again, Ummm, Oh well. Nice story.
Really, really good.
*Is a Cleric* I’ll be watching for the next chapters. 
Annd, just wondering, how do you do those little black and blue things? o_O Apparently, I’ve been less active than I thought ’cause I barely recognize MMOT now.
nice prologue
a question:Is this a sequel?(sorry I’m like 3 months on this website now)
also wouldn’t Danielle make an attemp to run away?
But this seems like a really cool story!
Annd, just wondering, how do you do those little black and blue things? o_O Apparently, I’ve been less active than I thought ’cause I barely recognize MMOT now.
Do you mean the banner? When you’re typing a blog, just click on the divider 2, and there you have it! Thanks for your nice comment.
a question:Is this a sequel?(sorry I’m like 3 months on this website now)
also wouldn’t Danielle make an attemp to run away?
But this seems like a really cool story!”
Haha, thanks. Yeah, it is a sequel to my previous story, Charms of the Undead. But, even if you didn’t read it, you should be able to understand the story. I’ll try to make it that way.
And Danielle wouldn’t run because ALL Clerics and Priests will be hunted down, and the world is full of undead. It’s almost impossible for her to run, I guess. And, she put all her powers in the Divine Persecution, so yeah.
Once again Glac, you AMAZE me
I really liked this and I’m definitely going to look forward to the rest x)

Did it work?
Nope , No cookie for you then