Helloooooo MMOTales!! Glac/FirstKnight here! I still bet some people forgot me or do not know me, but oh well. Ready for another blog, guys? Here we go!
Anyways, where to start, where to start… Oh! Well, things have been going good on MapleStory; I got to level 103, I met Emily (STARRYxLOVE), etc. (Emily is my online girlfriend; she lives near me in real life (which I didn’t know), so maybe we are going to meet in real life!) She’s a really great person, and I was really lucky to meet her and to be her in-game boyfriend. So, I think things are awesome. Through Emily, I met great people such as Richard (aznphohir3), Diana (an1m3hott13), Thanh (DizLilVi3t) and Bryan (Searcher74). But I had to erase some of my old pals, which was kind of bad. But, they never talked to me anyways.
Himes are a GREAT place to train! The only problem is, Rangers aren’t capable of soloing there, at my level. We get owned so easily due to the high damage and lack of -cough- BLIZZARD, and even though we have Arrow Bomb, it’s only a 60% stun chance. Silver Hawk seems wasteful, since the map has a big mob, and what will happen if Black Crow spawns…? The point is, Himes are VERY dangerous for Rangers, but in a party, it’s the best EXP on Maple, for me at least. I got 18% an hour with no 2x EXP cards!
I’m getting severely poor right now. I only have 14.7 mil left, and decreasing. I spend a lot on stuff that are important, but most of them aren’t. For example, my Blue Patriot. I just bought it for looks, for 300k. I use it everyday so it’s not wasteful, but still. It wasn’t necessary for me to buy it, but I still did, because I wanted to look different.
Today, I left EndlessAnime. Why? It was very inactive. Average people online were about 4/98 members. That’s pretty low, don’t you think? I was a Jr. Master, and I failed to recruit active people. In the end, I gave up, and left EndlessAnime, but one day I might return.
The guild I am now in is Extravagance. This is a VERY high level and active guild; the moment I joined, 23/73 members were on. Looking at the dead EndlessAnime guild, I was really amazed. And, the levels! They are so high! They greeted me when I joined, and I told them that they were a really active guild. The leader though, told me that “This isn’t a guild, it’s a family”. That really made me tell that this guild, Extravagance, is not just a great guild, but a great family too.
Sorry if this is a short blog; I’ll try to make my next ones a bit longer. As an apology, I will post some of my screenshots I made and took. Enjoy~
Say cheese!
(1) Mario?
(2) Give me my lunch money!!
(3) Me and Emily~ (I wish I had Emily’s facial expression, not F3…)
(4) Goodbye EndlessAnime…
(5) I joined Extravagance!
Lucky. Mine is all the way in Brazil Dx
(Ganz, I don’t live in Brazil) -Wink-
Have fun with your new guild-it sounds AWESOME.
(Not you, silly. -cackle-)
Lolz you’re in Broa.
(You guys are weird. -pushes away-)
Yeah, your guild sounds awesome. Lykyah. x] Have fun.
Hai sexeh Ranger.
I loled at the second pic.
Be a trader if you need money :]
Oh my goodness it’s GLAC! ;D
Welcome back <3
But your new guild sounds awesome
I hope you have a blast Glac!
and i was wondering since i wanted to make a random bowman, what do i have to do to have near perfect stasst?
tho i will mees up
uhm so help plawks?
You’re back (x
Hey thanks everyone! I love positive comments.
I promise I will write a longer blog next time; this one is kind of short because I didn’t have time to type it up. You know, school, homework. . . it’s so stressing.
Oh, and. . .
and i was wondering since i wanted to make a random bowman, what do i have to do to have near perfect stasst?
tho i will mees up
uhm so help plawks?
For stats, try getting an x/x/4/4. Although I have 5/6. xP Anyways, your Str has to be 5 more than your level, and the rest is into Dex. If you need a skill build, Pm me, lol.
Thanks again for the comments guys! I’ll blog more thanks to you all. :3
Every time I join a guild your in you switch T.T
Your Arrow Bomb should be enuf to KB himes to keep far from you, himes have very low KB, well I have FA+BOMB and FA helpts alot with KB as well, and I tried and succeded at soloing Himes at level 90, taking close to no damage once I started mobbing.
Good to see you again Sir! >=)
I moved permanently to Scania after my friend got my CB banned (illegal NX charging -_- accident with Pay Pal, some ass hacked his account), and I lost his hermit, so I guess it’s square. But I don’t have time to play anyway, so no matter.
Congratz on your levels, and go put some NX on! >=0
NOOOOOoOoOoO EXTRAVAGENCE ARE HAXXORS. >=[ if there’s a guild that hacks 100% in the back, it’s Extravagence. >_>