3:45 pm
July 1st, 2102
Lenne sat on a bench whistling and wondering when will Issac show up. Maldran stood reading a book for a dark and holy mixed attack. Alexei just stood there. Lenne looked at Maldran.
“Hey Maldran,” Lenne said, “When do you think Issac will show up?” Maldran closed his book.
“Well he did go somewhere for the fourth job advancement,” Maldran replied, “And he went back to Victoria to train a little. He might not be back in while.”
“So you guys did miss me,” a voice called out to them. Lenne and Maldran looked in the direction to see Issac walking over to them. He wore a totally different outfit but he still carried his two weapons with him.
“Issac!” Lenne shouted.
“You’re back!” Maldran shouted as well. They ran to him and gave them both a hi five. Issac then walked over to Alexei.
“So are we ready to go Alexei?” Issac asked him. Alexei opened his eyes and looked at each of them.
“Yes,” Alexei replied. He removed the Hellslayer from his back and walked them over to Orbis Tower.
“Halt! Idetifaication,” a guard said. Alexei turned to Maldran.
“Lets see what you learned,” Alexei dai to Maldran. He nodded and walked over to them. Maldran looked at both guards. He dugged into each of there consicense and told them to let them through.
“You may pass,” a guard told them. They entered Orbis Tower. Alexei turned to Lenne.
“Has you Mystic Door improved?” Alexei asked. Lenne smiled and took out her Kage. She focused her energy to open a door to El Nath. The door appeared and they all walked through it. They soon entered the cold land of El Nath. But it was so barren.
“Where is everybody?” Issac asked.
“Everyone has tooken shelter inside their homes,” Alexei replied. “They are afraid of the Uprising Deaths.” They traveled around the town when they saw about a large amount of Maple Story Defense Force. The commander of the squad pointed his spear at them.
“Who let you in here!?” he shouted and asked. Issac unsheathed his Doombringer. He walked past Alexei as 5 blue Combo Counters circled around him. But then the counters turned red and 5 more encircled him. Issac felt his body fill up with power as all 10 red Combo Counters disappeared. Issac literally disappeared and reappeared in front of the squad leader.
“CHARGE!” Issac shouted out and then slashed and then stabbed. The squad leader and about 14 members of the squad fell down. The rest of the squad ran at Issac. Issac unsheathed his Beheader and then did the same thing. Soon all of the squad was on the ground. Issac sheathed his Beheader.
“Lets go,” Issac said.
At prison, a man hung chained to the wall. He heard foot steps and saw the MSDF captain through the bars. He also saw Devon Shadowstalker standing next to him. And Shadowstalker was the one who imprisoned him. He was in prison so long, that his lust for blood has turned into a high tempature.
“So you are the dangerous one,” the captain said.
“GET ME OUT OF HERE! ILL KILL YOU ALL!” the man just screamed at the captain.
“Devon, Im sure that you’re capable enough to control him,” the captain said to Devon. Devon walked into the cell and released the man from the chains but quickly placed a collar around him.
“Do anything hasty and Ill press this button causing the collar to spill dangerous poison into the blood stream,” Devon told him. The man didnt want to die yet. If he dies now, his thirst for blood will never be quinched.
“WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?” the man asked.
“We’re going on a little hunt,” Devon replied. “Get into some armor and get a weapon. A fallen angel like yourself will do just fine.” The fallen angel looked at Devon and got up. He pointed finger at Devon.
“My name is Micheal,” the fallen angel named Micheal told Devon.
Before taking the leaving El Nath, Issac stopped Lenne, Maldran, and Alexei.
“I know an easier path,” Issac told them and led them to some trees. “I used to take this path to town when I was a kid.”
“You are an El Nathian?” Alexei asked.
“Not quite,” Issac replied. “My parent lived out here to do research and make armor for the armor shop.”
“They sound nice!” Lenne exclaimed. “Maybe we should visit them.” Issac looked down.
“Its better not to go there,” Issac replied. After a while they exited the path and found themselves on the main road again. It didnt take them long to enter Werewolf Territory.
To be continued.
Pic 1- The current team and what not.
~Burning Soul
Dam, my name is Issac! (Seriously, in rl my name is Issac). XDDDD Kewl Ima DK
No, Issacs a Hero.
Ur, Maldran r skeletal O.o
That would be if it was 1st person. But as I can see, this is a 3rd person story. Just FYI
I like the story btw.
My Maldran is better than your Maldran because my Maldran has an assault rifle lolz.
-=The Nazgul=-
I didn’t find this episode as good as the previous ones,
the plot is kinda weird and there’s quite alot of grammar mistakes.