The Defilers- A Battle in the Snow

The Defilers- A Battle in the Snow

Chapter II

Location- The Sea of El Nath
Objective(s)- Find and save Chief Warrent Officer Alpha; Survive against a fleet of mutated creatures

Sleyin fired a shell from his shotgun into a Taurogunner. Bullets flew and impacted against his shields. A fragmentation grenade flew over his head and exploded in front of a group of Super Fire Raccoons. He turned and saw Remy giving him a quick thumbs up. They had foughten for hours and it seemed endless. Romas had took a blow to the head from a Red Golem’s arm and was knocked out. She lay in the snow at the feet of Santiago as she tried to activate the armor’s shock treatment for the Chief. Thats what gave them all strength in this suicidal mission. Imppala moved in a quick sped and tore open the chest of a Taurogunner with his reverse wrist blades. He aimed his magnum and fired a round that tore a hole in another Taurogunner’s forehead.

Remy tossed the last of his grenades across the snow and it destroyed a Red Golem and reduced it to rubble. He turned and was grabbed by a Taurogunner and tossed hard into the ground. Sleyin turned.
“You OK Private Remy?” he shouted out before getting kicked in the head.

They had run out of luck. Imppala was grabbed by a Red Golem who’s rock skin couldnt be cut from the blades. Imppala cursed as he continued flying his arms around leaving a futile effort. Santiago fired off her assault rifle off at the incoming monsters. Several fall but she was eventually taken captive too. The squad was tossed into a pile. They all eventually regained conscience. Romas made a slight cry when she saw a Taurogunner in heavy armor staring at her face plate. It started to talk.

“More beasts in this special armor,” it told to the rest of the battalion. Remy was the only one to notice that a Taurogunner stood near the Chief.
“No!” he cried out. Sleyin looked into the same direction that Remy had cried out too.
“Get away from him!” Sleyin shouted.
The Taurogunner picked up the Chief and smelled him. It tossed the Chief several feet away. It turned and started walking back to to rest of the battalion- when it fell onto the ground dead. Behind the dead monster was the Chief holding Imppala’s AWSM.

“Kill the human!” the heavily armored Taurogunner ordered. Immediatly the battalion started open fire at the Chief. They seemed too slow. The Chief was crouched near a Taurogunner and punched it in the gut. He tore a hole in it’s gut. He snapped the chain-gun the, now dead, Taurogunner from it’s wrist and started firing a spray of bullets at a couple more mutated creatures until the gun made a click sound. It was empty. The Chief unholstered the magnum and fired off a couple of rounds into Taurogunners.

The heavily armored Taurogunner started lifting up a tank turret which is suppose to be heavy- and it might be possible to be loaded with HEP ammunition. It grinned as it fired a HEP at the Chief. A few heart beats later the HEP detonated where the Chief had been. He had the AWSM’s barrel underneath the Taurogunner’s. Three shots echoed through the valley. The Chief took the turret from the dead Taurogunner and turned around. He aimed the cannon at the battalion and fired off a HEP round. The explosion took out almost the entire battalion. The surviving forces retreated.

Sleyin expected the Chief to say something. But Remy was the one who shouted out, “And thats why you guys dont stay all hunched up in front of the Chief!”
The Chief’s personallity had totally changed. Had spending two years fighting none stop had an effect on the Chief? The Chief walked over and cut ther ropes binding them loose with a combat knife.
“Lets get out of here Chief,” Santiago said. The Chief hesitated before speaking.
“I understand that you’re a higher rank then me captain,” he started, “but I still have something to finish.”
“Well then Chief Warrent Officer, what is it?” she asked. The Chief pointed at the Mateon and Gray carrier. And then to something attached to the crashed HummingBird. It was a nuke warhead.

“Im going to blast those Defilers to hell,” the Chief replied flattly.

The Chief found a MA5C assault rifle and a M6G magnum in the Black Raven. It was still amazing that the Black Raven was still active even though it had taken many hits. His eyes darted from each one of the new soldiers. They all had removed their helmets. He still wore his helmet. It felt like it was a part of him now. His HUD indicated who they were.


They had some good quality weapons, espically Imppala’s magnum. The Chief had given it back to him. Sleyin was loading up his shotgun with shells. Santiago was the co-pilot in the Black Raven. The carrier was coming in close. They would need at least a shot from a tank to break through the shields covering the energy bay’s entrance. Thats why he had hooked up the tank turret to the Black Raven.

“Firing HEP rounds,” Santiago announced. The shots detonated at the energy shields causing it to overload. Santiago got out of the seat and entered the passenger compartment. The ledge began to open as the Black Raven started to lower to the docking bay. The Chief jumped out and aimed his assault rifle around the area. It was clear. Remy jumped out and looked very confident. Maybe because he thought this would be an easy mission.

“Hey where is everyone?” he called out. A Liquid Snail, in its liquid form, jumped onto Remy’s bare head. It might’ve entered his body if the Chief hadnt ripped the snail off at the last second. He crushed it with his foot.
“Put your helmet back on private,” Cipher said. Remy quickly did what he said. Now his shields were working. Just in time too. When Santiago jumped off the nearest door had opened up and a Taurogunner fired off a chain-gun at them.

The Chief got to one knee and fired off his assault rifle. The creature still stood after taking 32 AP rounds in the chest. Luckily Imppala finished it off with a single shot from his AWSM. The Chief reloaded the AR and began sprinting to the door. It was clear except for the dead Taurogunner. The Black Raven flew out of the docking bay as the rest of the soldiers entered the corridor.

After 30 minutes of shooting through the carrier they found the reactor room of the ship. It was heavily guarded of course, except with something new. Yellow, Blue, and Green King Goblins were in the room with an arm that was now a rocket launcher and the other held a blazing hammer. Romas aimed her rifle and fired off a few rounds. The rounds didnt do anything. The Goblins used their hammers to block the AP rounds. They raised their rocket launcher arms and fired off three rockets, one each.

The Chief grabbed a rocket, spun, and threw it back at a Yellow King Goblin and ot had it’s face blown off.
“Suppressive fire!” Santiago ordered firing her G36K at the Defiler King Goblins. Remy held his AR-18 nervously in his hand. He squeezed the grenade launcher trigger and fired off a grenade- at the Chief.

His shields flickered off. He was vunerable to attacks. The Chief crouched to one knee and fired off his MA5C, avoiding the rockets flying over head.
“Romas can you find a weak spot,” the Chief said without looking at her. Romas peered through her scope with her left eye and searched for a weakpoint. There was a slight glowing on the shoulder that had the rocket launcher. She fired a couple of hollow jacket round at the glow and immediatly the left half of the Green King Goblin was torn in half. It swung its hammer once more before it fell over, dead.

The remaining Blue King Goblin roared in anger and shoved the hammer into the rocket barrel of its launcher.
“What the hell is it doing?” Imppala asked, continuing to fire his AWSM. The Goblin lifted it’s left arm and it shook as a increasing glow of yellow swam around the hammer.
“Everyone dont get hit by that thing!” the Chief ordered. He picked up Remy’s AR-18 and aimed the gun at the hammer. He predicted ten seconds befoe the hammer flies at them. He aimed the gun at the shoulder. A grenade flew out of the grenade launcher and exploded on the shoulder of the King Goblin. The left half of the monster blew apart, but another explosion erupted. The hammer had caused a giant opening in the reactor room.

“I’ll give us ten minutes until the explosion,” the Chief announced arming the nuke.
“I dont think that ten minutes will be enough,” Remy muttered, picking up his assault rifle.
“Not unless we jump through this hole Remy,” Sleyin said pointing down. “The Black Raven could pick us up out of the air- I think.”
A ten minute timer appeared on each of their HUD.
“Lets go,” Santiago said, jumping through the hole. There was sound of her landing a few seconds later. Everyone jumped next. They all landed on the basement floor of the carrier. Dead bodies of Taurogunners and Super Fire Raccoons littered the floor.

“One strong hammer,” Sleyin muttered. Santiago keyed her COM.
“Black Raven 34, do you copy?” Santiago said. There was a pause.
“I read you. Need a lift?” the pilot replied.
“Blast the basement floor underneath the docking bay with a HEP and get us out of here!”
“Im having problems myself, I’ll try to shake off these chasers and get you out of there.”
“Copy that.”

The Chief aimed his assault rifle at a door at one end of the corridor. In a quick few seconds a shootout appeared in the corridor. Imppala sliced off the head of a Taurogunner and kicked it at another Taurogunner before loading a L-C round into the Taurogunner’s head.
“Give my remarks to your friend,” he called out. Remy fired off his AR-18 with his eyes closed which hit the Defilers and occasionally impacted against shields. The timer had gone to three minutes in the shoot out.
“Captain we could use evac now!” Romas shouted firing her rifle.
“Black Raven 34?” Santiago said over the COM.
“Closing in!” the pilot replied.

There was and explosion and one part of the wall was missing. The ledge to the passengers seat was close to the hole. Remy ran in first, then Romas, Imppala, Santiago, Sleyin, and the Chief. Three minutes later a satisfing explosion destroyed the Defiler ship. Santiago turned to the Chief.
“Good to have you back,” she said.
“Good to be back,” he replied.

To be continued.

11 thoughts on “The Defilers- A Battle in the Snow”

  1. FireLeo86 said: “Why dont you at least like this then Spade?

    “Good” only rates a 5 on the scale. This needs at least a “pretty good” or “excellent” to get a like, I belive.

    Honk honk blargh, to you too.

  2. Is it just me or did the Halo references singe my eyebrows?
    30min isn’t bad for a firefight through a ship. Depends of course, to the proportion of the ship.

    ~Lily x33.

  3. Lol AF, you’re right, the Halo references were slapping me on the face. And I still think 30 minutes is pretty long even through a ship.

    -=The Nazgul=-

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