Tantra is. . . Still lonely.

Well I’ve been playing Tantra lately with Dest/Muffin. For you who already know that Dest is Muffin, congrats. For those of you who forgot, boo. Anyways I’ve been in Tantra and talk to Dest occasioanlly and playing the game with Dest, is still like playing by myself. I mean he does train, but he trains with another one of my buddies, WarmSoup. I’m starting to feel as though WarmSoup is trying to steal my buddies.

Well I’d appriciate it if someone else would try it. You only need to have the time, talktiveness, and need to have at least 1.2GB in your hard drive. I know. It takes alot of space. Anyways lets get onto the blogging part.

Blog time!

This is where I officially put my title.

Anyways in Tantra I went to a number of places. The area of Mandara, the land of Shambala, and the japanese themed Jina. In my opinion, they are awesome. Except for the deaths caused by monsters, other players, and my lack of using potions on myself. In my previous blog I stated that I am level 47. Well guess what? I lied. Now I am level 48 as of five minutes ago. I also stated I am a dual wielder of a sword and knife. The proof is in the first pic.

Anyways yesterday I went to Jina Town to train on some monster. Rat. Things. That stand. And use axes. Not a pretty sight when I rely on my barrier too much and end up killing myself. I died, I don’t know. One time? Two times? Well grand total is three times from the rat things up to today.

I was invited to a party to train on these rat things. The leader told me and some other archer Asura to lure in some of the rat things. I couldn’t lure too well. You know why? I use a tugboating sword and dagger! And my party leader expects me to lure? How can I lure without going head-to-toe with them. Sure I have about, one range skill but it’s lame. And then when I actually go and lure something- BAM! I got kicked from the party. Well now I’m fizzled. Yes I created a new word to cover some other cuss word. I don’t even think it’s a type of cuss but better safe than sorry.

Yesterday I helped Dest out on some quests. Well jsut one quest anyways. Boy you cannot imagine how many times he lagged out while in Mandara Village. Twice in one day. Yeah that’s funny. Now he’s making a new character to become an archer or mage or something. I tell ya people are archers/mages more often than the melee attackers. Sigh. What a MuffinDinger.

MMO Tales 4?

I just had a brainstorm during breakfast this morning on what I’ll put for the 4th comic. It might be a little late due to the day but hey! Better late than never.

The MMO Tales Gang would like to wish you a Happy 08 and be sure to not eat the yellow snow.


I’m done with my general thing/rant. See you later people.


*Also if you want the download link for Tantra it’s here T sign up, it’s on the right.

11 thoughts on “Tantra is. . . Still lonely.”

  1. Buwaa.

    My laptop sucks, so even if it did have the 1.2GB of space (which it does, since I’ve deleted Trickster and a whole bunch of other junk) I still probably wouldn’t be able to play it. :/

  2. I have the crappiest computer. The lowest RAM, the lowest memory, the lowest everything.

  3. My computer only has a total of 1 GB for memory D: It has 160 GB for something else O.o

  4. I could download that game 20 times and still have space left >_<

    1.2GB isn’t really that much.

  5. Imppala said: “I have 30 gb, and every bit is stuffed. When I dl stuff, i have to delete old files first.”

    So do I!

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