*Stares at calander*
Well Tiffany, it’s that day of the month again.
AI Tiff- Telling people on where you went and what game you’re playing?
Yes Tiff, that. I’ll be back soon. Try not to overload again, hate reprograming you.
*Runs out of the door.*
*Appears on MMO Tales Blog*
Well everyone it’s me, FireLeo coming here to tell you how I miss you all. Ok I’m not, I’m here to tell you about my gaming experiance from the game that most people who played Maple Story hate.
Yeah bad graphics and stuff but I didn’t play for. . . three years. I made a new account because, well I forgot my old one. Finished every single free quest on that account too. But yeah. I decided to make a new account in Runescape- WAIT A SECOND! This blog needs some music.
]Simple and Clean Guitar Remix![/url]
Anyways in jsut a few days I made some cash and build my mining and smithing really well. For people who are like “What the hay is this guy talking about?” I have lots of exp for certain skills that can’t be found in Maple Story. Anyways yesterday I decided to start The Knight’s Sword Quest and I finished it. I got exp and smithing exp points but I got something better.
No I did not hack to get that sword. How can you even hack in Runescape? You can’t. Well anyways I still need someone to play with in Runescape. Also anyone who hasn’t finished Shield of Arrav and is a Blackarm gang member, help me. Well there isn’t much left to blog about. Well then. I guess the RS talk is over.
Might play again next week. People might play mad to get to fourth job now. Yeah. Done wtih the Maple Story stuff.
Well The Defilers is going to be put off or cancelled due to Mip’s new rule of no cussing. Most of the things I type is young adult Maple Story fiction. I am planning to write another story. It’s going to be a Maple Love Story story thing!
Yeah I’m done. And to Fenrir, when will you be on?
i am disappointed.
Why cancel the Defilers? Why can’t you ask Mippy for permmission? D:
And, we’re all mature enough to handle the cussing, right? D:
IMO, Runescape’s only good because it’s a browser-based MMORPG and doesn’t have any decent competition
Omgno. =( Please don’t stop The Defilers. >.<
Put it on another site and link us to it?
Put it on another site and link us to it?
I would if I could but I can’t so there. I know. It sucks. Stupide no cussing rule. >.<
Would this help?
Put it on another site and link us to it?
I would if I could but I can’t so there. I know. It sucks. Stupide no cussing rule. >.<“
Put t3h starz on the cusses? You’re pretty close to making us who are eager for your story explode. -___-
Put it on another site and link us to it?
I would if I could but I can’t so there. I know. It sucks. Stupide no cussing rule. >.<“
Put t3h starz on the cusses? You’re pretty close to making us who are eager for your story explode. -___-“
Yah, that’s what Nazgul did in his last chapter. He dropped the eff-bomb like, three times in it.
And you can always invent new cusses. Tugboat, remember?
I didnt invent tugboat.
I invented shizznets.
But you can use tugboat. (=