I thought I was in love, but I think it was just a feeling. I wonder what would have happened that fateful day if. . . if things didnt happen the way that I didnt want to happen. Yes, she died. I still wish that I could see her face again, other than my dreams. I dreamt of her for a very long time just before waking up.
Hey Im not making a bad impression on you am I? Well let me start over at the beginning.
I entered every store in the Free Market to search for that thing I needed. But yet I prayed that I had enough mesos to afford it. My family is not a rich one if you took a guess at it. Ever since I was born I have always been sick. But whenever that happen I always tell me parents that I was fine. Like every other Mapler I just wanted to fight monsters and become a hero. But then at age five I began to get heart pains. I always tasted blood whenever it happened. My parents couldnt bear with the pain anymore so they spent almost every single meso they had to cure me. There were none.
That was until they met Maya from Henesys. They wonder how she could live for such along time with the sickness and all. She told them that she had always drank Weird Medicine that some Maplers find annoying to get. But all she wanted was to drop dead. And thats what I always want now. But that was after she died. My parents had gotten the recipe from Teo after they gave him a hell lot of Sparkling Rocks provided by Sophia. I drink the medicine- and yet I was never cured.
Now that I am at the age of 18 I still drink the medicine. My name is Jeremy if I didnt tell you that already. I pushed my way through a bunch of Maplers and try to get into stores. But I still couldnt find a new Doombringer. I decided to try one more store. I went in and found a cute female reading a book at the counter of the small store. She wore glasses and had beautiful brown hair. Her eyes were blue and sparkled with life. She glanced up at me and smiled. She was perfect in my opinion.
“Hello, can I help you?” she asked. I was lost in her beauty for a second and was going to reply ‘huh?’ I stopped myself from saying that.
“I said can I help you?” she repeated.
“Uh yes do you have any Doombringers?” I asked her.
“Why? Lost yours?”
“Broke it actually.”
“Ouch. I avoid 30% and 70% scrolls at all time. Evil things you know.”
“So you’re looking for a Doombringer right?”
“A what?”
“A Doombringer. Thats what you said when you walked in here.”
“No Im pretty sure that was a few seconds after I was dazed for a bit.” She laughed.
“You’re funny you know that?” Then she went into the back to search for the Doombringer, if she had any.
Yes, I thought to myself. It had only been a few minutes and it seemed like we were friends. But then I lost focus again. Oh crap. I quickly rummaged through my pack in search for a Weird Medicine. I found one and gulped the contents down in a quick swig. I hoped that my focus would come back soon. It didnt come back at all, at least not until I saw her again. She carried something covered by cloth. It was a Doombringer, and it shined lightly.
“Did you scroll this?” I asked, starring at the amazing sine of the sword.
“Yeah.” She brushed the hair off her eyes. “I used 60% scrolls. Just a little but more reliable then the dark scrolls.”
“Its a plus two Doombringer.”
“Yeah I didnt have a lot of scrolls at the time.”
“Wow it must had 90 attack power before you scrolled it. 94 attack and 2 strength.”
“Just from a Jr.Balrog.”
“You fought a Jr. Rog and lived?”
“I had a couple of friends help me.” I extended my hand.
“My name is Jeremy.” She smiled and shook it.
We chatted a little bit more when I realized that I was going to be late for the Orbis Party Quest run with my best friend.
“So Ann, how much does this cost?” I asked. The sword would be at least about five million mesos. I didnt have that much even though Im a level 60.
“One hundred thousand,” she replied. I stared at her.
“One hundred thousand?” I repeated in disbelief.
“Just go on a date with me this Friday,” Ann answered. Only a few minutes and I have gotten a date. My first date. I hope that my sickness wont interupt it though.
“Sure,” I replied happily. Well I tried to hide it but it wasnt that good. She giggled and gave me a quick hug. She let go of me.
“See you later,” Ann said. She gave me her address before I left and I was as happy as a snail. Before a newb comes and kills it anyways.
I knew I was in love. But that was just a thought.
To be continued. Maybe.
I had an idea for a story and it sprouted into this. Hope you like it.
In game references may kill your writing though.
I know. I just want to make a book, find a publisher, publish the book, and actually make money. But how can a guy find a publisher at age 14?
Me Likey <3
The other stories. . .?
I want the other one. ):
This is ok though.
Someone’s in love, huh?
You skipped from the illness to the ‘pushing through Maplers in the store’ in one paragraph without a clear transition. I thought that was awkward. Overall, it’s pretty alright; I kinda like the conversation.
Oh, and you can get published at fourteen if you’re good enough. The author of this book got her first book published at fourteen, and she’s good. You need to improve a lot more though.
That book sounds sweet, especially the scientist-turned-spy part, I wanna get it. ):
Was great. Continue plawks.
I like it.
I don’t think that it’s impossible. Today, I got handed back a writing piece, and my teacher told me to turn in some pieces to be published. She recommended Teenink. It’ll be a good start for you, I think!
I love that story please continue it!
Pretty good story, but please fix the title. T_T
I dunno, but you and Jes make the WEIRDEST titles lol. I also think of publishing some day, but in the end, I know I suck at writing anyways, and no one would buy my books.
-=The Nazgul=-
“Ann ikabelle”