A Dark Secret- Blast the Finale

Location- Aboard an Elephant
Destination- Shield Generator 1
Mission- Wipe out the main base of the Mutated Monsters
Current Objective(s)- Destroy the shield generators

This mission was going to knock these monsters back a whole mile. But if the data that Argus gave them was correct, this would be the the last mission against the monsters. It was dawn and they were ready for gunfire. The Chief was in command of the first platoon. The Major would be in command of the 2nd platoon. First Sergeant Lee would be in command of the 3rd platoon. 1st platoon would go destroy a shield generator, as would 2nd platton. 3rd platoon was to go in and assault.

Santiago and Sleyin were piloting 1 of the 2 Black Ravens, for the air strike. If the data was correct as well, they would need a nuke warhead to completly blow Fort El Queenath to hell. The warhead was carried by Lee. Cipher checked his MA5C assault rifle and M6G magnum, he was good to go. The Elephant made a sudden stop.

“Alright, we’re closing in on generator 1. Black Raven 21 should have landed near number 2, so move it out!” the pilot of the Elephant announced.

The side hatchs opened up and Cipher landed on the snow. He aimed his assault rifle for any targets. He gave a hand signal: Clear. The others jumped out and aimed with their guns, weapons, and other things. They dashed along the path and gave them a halt. Cipher signaled Sanderson to do his thing with a sniper rifle. He aimed peered through the scope and aimed the target reticule onto a Taurogunner’s head. 2 quick triggers took it down.

The guards gave jumped, trying to figure out what just happened. The Chief signaled the heavy infantry to fire off rockets. 5 rockets flew through the air, crushing an entire pack of Liquid Snails. Then the guards started firing. Cipher keyed his COM.

“Everyone take cover! Sanderson, we need cover fire!” he shouted.
“What do you think Im doing Chief?” Sanderson replied. A couple of armor piercing rounds flew through the air, crushing about 5 Taurogunners.

Cipher ran into the battle zone and punched his fist into a Liquid Snail. It turned into its liquid form and jumped onto Cipher’s arm. It began squeezing his shields. Cipher took his M6G out of it’s holster and fired a round into the snail. It melted. Cipher dodged a rocket fired from a Taurogunner, returned the M6G into it’s holster, and unslung his assault rifle. Before he could fire, the monster plumeted onto the ground, dead. Cipher looked away from the dead creature to see Kelly holding a M1014. She pumped a shell into the shotgun and gave Cipher a thumbs up.

Obsolete as it may be, it still packed a punch. Cipher nodded in return. He started firing his rifle. In a few moments the outside perimeter was clear. After a few minutes, they found an entrance to the inner core. A few of the soldiers stayed behind to guard. Kelly lead them. The Chief, Sanderson, and the other soldiers climbed into the tunnel. They activated their lights and walked down the tunnel. It grew warmer as they went deeper. Cipher, Sanderson, and other soldiers who wore the battle armor deactivated the heating in their armor.

In a few moments the platoon were being fired upon from the enemy. The shield generator was big, but it seemed like a few satchels will blow it apart. And even though rounds flew through the air, explosions rocking the ground, and blood splattering on walls, the guards kept on coming. Now or never. Cipher threw all of his satchels at the shield generator. They exploded a few seconds later and it began to give off a strange sound. The Chief quickly keyed his COM.

“Everyone take cover quickly!” he ordered.

Most took cover, some stayed and fight. Sanderson was one who stayed. The generator exploded, giving off a very bright light. Cipher couldnt see anything for a few seconds when his eyes got back into focus. He got out of cover and looked around. Not a single body or person that had taken cover was seen. Not even Sanderson’s. He keyed his COM.

“Santiago can you hear me? First generator down,” the Chief reported. A short pause.
“Roger that Chief Warrant Officer Alpha. Generator 2 down also. But Major Shackles didnt make it. First Sergeant Lee needs back up,” Santiago replied. Cipher thought for a few seconds.
“Alright then. Im going to get everyone aboard on that Elephant, and head toward Lee’s position.”

He ordered everyone to climb onto the Elephant, took one last look at the destroyed generator, and prayed that Sanderson reaches to where he belonged. The Chief climbed into the pilot seat and started the Elephant. It moved slow, had a few turrets built into it, and could fire a large bomb from the top. In about 5 minutes they found hell. Dead bodies of soldiers and monsters littered the ground. The snow was dyed red from blood. The Sea of El Nath didnt even look like itself.

Yet gunfire can still be heard. The Elephant moved foreward a few inches when bullets pinged against the armor. Kelly fired turrets 1 and 2. The other 3 turrets fired away at enemy aircrafts. Most of the ground forces fell against the power of rapid fire guns, but they had to stop firing. They didnt have enough ammo to kill an entire battalion. Cipher keyed his COM.
“Get out of the Elephant people! Kelly, use the Elephant for cover.”
“You got it Chief.”

Cipher jumped out of the tank-like carrier. And he knew automatcally that he had sent Kelly to death.

After running through the battle field, he found Lee firing off his rail-gun at the monsters. The warhead was strapped onto his back. Lee did not wore the Maple Battle Armor. Cipher rolled to Lee’s side.
“News to report First Sergeant?” the Chief asked.
“Well Chief we’re out numbered, out gunned, and one of our Black Ravens blew up!” Lee replied.
“Great.” Cipher got out of the cover and fired a sustained burst at a Taurogunner. The COM channel opened.

“Cipher, permission to blow those monsters to hell by self-destructing the Elephant?” Kelly asked. Cipher was startled by this request. He blinked and knew it had to be done.
“Make it meaningful Kelly,” Cipher whispered back. The Elephant walked toward an assaulting force, firing its turrets. A few seconds later a timer appeared on his HUD. 10 seconds. Kelly didnt want to waste a second did she? The Chief activated the Divine Shield Generator and made sure that Lee was in the shield.

The 10 second ticked off to 0 and the Elephant, along with anything in a good distance with it, blew into flames. Cipher closed his eyes. Another team mate bites the dust. . .

The Chief and Lee ran towards the fort entrance. The shield was down and bullets rained down on them. The Divine Shield would hold. . . but not forever. In a few shots the shield faded, leaving Cipher and Lee unprotected. Cipher fired off his AR while trying to protect Lee. Lee fired his rail-gun, mostly for head shots. The last Black Raven, which Santiago and Sleyin piloted, flew overhead, firing off a few rounds and rockets. After a couple of minutes off fighting was over, the court yard of the fort was clear. Lee placed the warhead and began to set the timer for 3 minutes.

“Nuke armed Chief,” Lee reported.
“Alright lets go,” Cipher replied. Lee shook his head.
“No these morons will be able to disarm the bomb, or probably blow it off when we’re not in a safe distance. Im going to have to stay and guard the bomb.” Cipher stared at Lee. First Argus, then Sanderson, Shackles, Kelly, and now possibly Lee. But he needed to do what was right. Lee was a hardcore man of steel. He can defend this nuke from a hundred of these suckers before it blows him and the fort to hell.
“Alright then. Permission granted.”
“I wasnt asking for permission.”

Lee activated the detonator. As soon as the timer on Cipher’s HUD read 2:58 he was off. Cipher vaulted over dead bodies. He heard a slight swear from Lee over his COM. Cipher then found some cover. There was a was a very short drop in his path and Cipher took its cover. He rolled and landed on the snow. He blinked at the timer: 0:20. Counting off the seconds he knew it would hurt to lose another comrade. He was pretty sure that the Black Raven was at a good distance from Fort El Queenath. 5 seconds to go. 3 seconds to go. 1 second to go. . .

The explosion went on for minutes. Seemed like months to the Chief. He thought of his fallen comrades in the war. How he and a single Black Raven containing 2 medics, Captain Alexx Santiago, and Sereant First Class Zhlink Sleyin. An entire mutated monster force, extinct. He smiled- when a timer reading 5:30 appeared on his HUD.
“What the hell!” Cipher shouted over the COM.
“Chief! There was a base hidden underneath the fort!” Santiago announced over the COM. “Its set to self destruct! And guess what? More of those monsters are coming out of base to take care of all of us. I suggest you get out of there and try to jump onto the Black Raven.”

Cipher had not wasted a second. He only had 4:48 seconds and he ran. He saw the Black Raven fly overhead, a rope ladder flying out of the ledge. Sleyin stood there.
“Grab the rope Chief!” Sleyin barked. If only it was that simple. Taurogunners, Super Fire Racoons, and other monsters were firing at him and even at each other. All hell broke loose. Every few seconds he would be able to grab it without monsters getting in his way. He decided not to waste ammo and slung his AR. Reaching up as far as he can he felt the ladder brush off his finger tips. Then he slipped on a LS in its liquid form. He unslung his magnum and fired a few rounds into the snail. He now had 45 seconds.

Cipher started sprinting. He knew his limits and decided to push it further. He saw a cliff and the Black Raven flying foreward. Cipher knew this was his last chance. He pumped up his adrenaline and ran foreward. his timer read 25 seconds. The ladder was close but out of reach. 12 seconds. The Chief jumped.

The funeral was depressing. Sleyin leaned againt a rock and stared at the single tombstone. Even if it was an articficial version of Henesys, it just didnt seem like the right place to lay rest to the people of war. General Olson said made a speech on which Sleyin didnt pay attention to. He had remembered what happened. 12 seconds remaining and the Chief jumped to grab the ladder on time.

But he didnt. He missed it and landed near the cliff ledge. They couldnt have gone back for him. Turning around would have costed all of there lives. 4 survivors had to do. Some of the people here made a few prayers for the fallen dead. Sleyin went last. He stared at the tombstone and read the message.



“Life sure sucks, right First Sergeant?” the general asked walking up to him.
“Sir, yes sir,” Sleyin replied without enthusiasm.
“We’ve got alot to focus on. One enemy may be down but we still have the allience of Mateons and Grays to deal with.” The general walked over to the tombstone. “God please bring these souls to heaven.”
“Amen.” Sleyin turned to the general. “Sir, I would like to return to where I was station before Major Shackles transferred me.” The general raised a brow.
“You sure Sleyin?”
“Yes Im sure.”
“Alright then. Transfer approved. Good luck.” Olson turned to the grave on where Cipher’s picture laid. “I hope he will reach a nice place.” Then the general walked away. Sleyin turned to the tombstone.

He might not even be dead. . .

To be concluded.

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