I make crappy *bleep* like this.
Really, really, really harsh comments and tips appreciated.
…The fat recruiter jolted out of his daydreams.
“Hey kid. Don’t you go messin’ up people’s tabl’s know’?”
He was obviously drunk.
His breath was smelled like rotten cabbages mixed in chewed up vomit and ale.
Smelly, indeed.
Fenrir withdrew his hand-axe and spitted out with a mouthful of sarcasm,
“I’m so, so sorry, messing up tables is my hobby.”
The recruiter glared at Fenrir like a lion eyeing his prey.
Fenrir returned it with a menacing stare that could break even the fiercest warrior cower.
Eventually, the staring match broke by a scout running through the main gates.
The scout was a she.
Her flowing mane of hair whipped through the air like a whip.
Her body was full of grace but at the same time, intimidating.
She shouted, piercing the sullen air like a sword,
“The monster legion is advancing!!”
A man shouted, “How many?!”
“A thousand or more!” the scout replied.
Murmurings filled the air.
The town’s mayor, dressed in Oriental armour, bellowed,
“QUIET! ALL OF YOU! Everyone to their positions. Archers! Fire from the watch tower! Warriors! Stop the monsters from approaching! Artillery! Man the cannon turrets! Mages! Erect the barrier!!!!”
Everyone scrambled to their positions, with an anticipation of a battle in their minds.
Every warrior, archer, and artillery-men held their breaths, each one could be thier last.
Suddenly, a rain of pixie magic fell from the sky.
It has begun. Save Henesys.
I was bored!!
okay.you were bored.ok story.
Even i like to imagine like that when im bored, sometimes i even draw out a little comic about the story, then i buy more sketchbooks and continue drawing and,
Nice story anyways fenrir!
Lol, if you have too much imagination, go ahead and write it but don’t post it on MMO. Spare us.
LOL just messing with you, no offence I hope XD
Front page! front page, !
I’m despo.
The turrets are blazing through the castles walls you can hear the heat penetrate from them (thats how hot they are you dont see you hear it!) tackatackatacka! “Oh no im out of subis!” yells on of the turret masters. “Load in the next set. . Mokbis” a gasp is heard through out the turretmen. they have never used mokbis! In they went using a fresh set, they shot them through along with the archer’s arrows and defeated the monster legion. . but what comes next is ghastly to all who are afraid of such creatures! JESUS SNAIL! Aray of light falls through and Jesus snail trumples through the city!(along with his cousin bob) Are they doomed? Maybe!
I just got into the story
I felt like writting some small parody but its a good story I swear! You should get bored more often! Well back to HTML class. .
nice story ^_^