Monster Interviews is caused by an Interviewer’s block.
It is a condition where an interviewer has lost his/her interviewing powers therefore making it impossible to interview anyone/thing whilst in this condition.
The Interviewer should get rest immediately for 1 month or so until he/she is able to interview again.
Stuck In Showa Town Need Help Real Badly-
Ahhh Interviewer’s Block, how many good people will it ruin?!?!
-Wait wait, scratch that there it’s no good, let me think of something better to say, –
Ahh jeez another victim to the cursed Interviewer’s Block, it will never stop,
-Oh man that won’t do either, I’ll just start from scratch with that-
Interviewer’s block, I had that once when I was interviewing, who was it again, It seems it’s blocked from my memory, that’s it imma take a coffee break,
Still stuck in showa town?
What IS showa town, anyway?
What IS showa town, anyway?”
Tis a place in Zipangu young sir
(also how come I can’t put elipses when I talk cuz I just keep getting a comma 0_0″"
That’s why you gotta write . . .
That’s been un-done on the Basilmarket forums. But not here. T_T
Oh. . . I see now. . . I . . . guess. . . I didn’t. . . realize. . . that. . .
Yeah, on blogs it works but on comments it doesn’t.
Get Back to Showa NOW. I’m online.
I’m at my friend’s house so. . .
I can’t go MS
dat was fenrir geez
I’m bored. And I dc-ed in the FM again. Not going online.
1 more level to 120
Congrats in advance.
Thank You .
Ask Devilryfire or SilverFx!
Or me.
Meh. I just moved Silver out of Showa. But I could run back if you want.
Are you online now? PM me.