The exam’s over, the muffin’s lover!

Love the title, don’t you?

Real life!

Finally my exams are over,(Unofficially! There’s Listening Comprehension tomorrow, laugh for all I care. I see them as free marks. :3) and thus I can continue my rabid, MMO playing self.

In a really good stroke of luck on Monday, the freaky Mozilla Firefox MS download glitch was tossed aside, burned, ripped into quarters, decapitated, and boiled in asam fish-head curry (Hella good curry. ) by my beloved computer. I love her, she’s so bitchy at times but overall she’s a good girl, aren’t you?

*cuddles computer*


On to my MS week, shall we? Levelled like a mad psycho during the exams. >> Can’t blame me for that, I haven’t touched MS for so long that I forgot how to jump and climb a ladder (No, seriously my brain absorbed too much FlyFF and knowledge which I won’t use them later in life). XD

Archers are sexy

Went on FenrirXbow, my lovable little itsy bitsy crossbowman-to-be archer and leveled him a couple of times.
Level up!
Level up! again..=__=
I love levelling. XD

Whoa..I did that in 2 days. Haven’t done that much spazzing of levels since. . .LAST YEAR! 0_________0;; *shock*

Bandit-sins are sexier. :3

Got my sorry ass to my Stuck-in-El-Nath-Bandit-Sin and forced him to go up Orbis tower. Caught a ride to Ellinia!

In the boat, some guys were playing ‘drop-game’ in the cabin. One of them jumped and dropped a mokbi. It landed in the place where I was and I POCKETED IT! *more shock*

Fenny wouldn’t do that, would he? Well, he did. D: Those of you who thought I was a goody-two-shoes boy should just go home packing. You should see how many KNNBCCB’s I can spout in one day, its bound to shock you. XD You should also see how I played MS last time. ‘CCPLS!’ was the one phrase you would hear if you weren’t in my party and stumbled unknowingly onto my ‘territory’.

After that, my female friend logged in and thus I spazzed my way to Henesys to where she was. Located her Cassopeian scent and tracked her to just beside Henesys market.

Then goofed around as usual! XD

Then I trained on horny mushrooms. They seriously need to know how to be horny, they don’t even talk! D:

In conclusion:

K, thanks, and bye!

5 thoughts on “The exam’s over, the muffin’s lover!”

  1. And you can just click on the URL box under each of the thumbnails in the photobucket album page to copy just the picture’s URL, so we don’t link to a photobucket page instead.

    Grats on your lvlling.

  2. I lurve your computer, mine always gives up on me when she gets a mild Trogan war horse. So weak. BTW, you should see me on bad days. Handling this cast is bad enough. That nurse dropping a cup of hot water on it, it’s indescribable.

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