
Long time no golb, insane goober muffins. This is going to be an SS-less [I can’t take Sses for some unknown reason…=/]

Okay, I got up some courage to play that grammatical error infested game; MapleStory but ‘lo and behold, a patch [OH NOES IMMA DLT AND REINSTL MS!@@#$!$@#]. Suprisingly, the automatic patch worked in a jiffle, not even hanging my poor old Lena for once! [BRAVO, LENA! BRAVO, GIRL! * pats CPU*] The mouse hovered on the ‘PLAY!’ button and clicked it.

Wee, past the credit screen [well that’s what I call it], Asiasoft, Nexon, Wize-Hey, wait a minute! Nexon?! * faint* What are they going to do? Screw up MapleSEA along the wake of MapleGlobal’s destruction[is it that bad? o__o]?! Went on to the world choosing screen, that black dragon face thingy scared me, for the first time in my mapling life, I AM SCARED!

Went on my newly created sniper-to-be, the last one had screwed up stats and skills, naturally I deleted him and created a new one! =D [yeah yeah, I’m a perfectionist in my games =/]



My itchy twitchy fingers decided to ‘/find devilryarc’. I needed to find the other side’s account to that event. >__> Was actually astonished to find that he replied, yet in a very ‘FYFI’ tone saying that he would ignore whispers during his training. We went on to talk about that tragedy. Will not elaborate more because I cannot bring myself to post the details [and I’m lazy], or rather, more appropriately, protecting his privacy.

But since I talked about it here, there’s virtually no privacy, left?


I’m lazy to post the SS. I can’t even take any. [SCREW YOU!#!@ This would’ve made headlines! Okay, joking]

Still…It’s his choice.

=/ And I got the other side’s account of the event, is that a good thing?

Ok, on to some real life bits, need to have a certain balance, this world. [This reminds me of that Constantine scene where John[Keanu Reeves, LOL NEO!] said: “They call it balance, I call it hypocritical bull****.” That scene was hardcore.

R/L for the lose. I’ve been stoning on Lena since the holidays started [we Singaporeans have a different school system than yours! XD], been pining for a bass guitar to play around with ever since I saw that Stu Hamm solo on youtube.

Funny how youtube affects your life, allowing it to increase your motivation, wish for something else other than a new graphics card along with a dual core motherboard, a 1 gigabyte RAM and a powerful cooler to boot. All to play CoD4. [Stupid EG made me want it, too bad youtube got to me first! HA!]

I’ve also been playing Tribes: Vengeance more frequently now, ever since it was stuck at my desktop for almost half a year. I have certainly lost my mid air discing skills. Maybe I need to train more, who knows? I might be the next best fragger in T:V! *dreams*

That’s all for this update. Haven’t been feeling right to continue Hunters Hunted since almost no one reads it.

VVVVVV it is calling out to you~ [Say hi to PATTY!]

8 thoughts on “Stuff”

  1. ._.

    Mm, so you’re not going to play DragonsinXE any more? I still have it hanging around on my BL. . .

  2. Thats the longest I can goooo,



    it’s like essay writing all over again.

  3. Ah, guitar fan, eh? Do you have any of the Guitar Hero games? One thing about it, you can always fake stardom with that! Oh, and gratz to Lena as well.

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