12 thoughts on “I just noticed…”

  1. EvilStranger said: “I’ve noticed this a month ago.

    MMOTales has 2 links to Forums on the top”

    well the basil thing only happened like 4 days ago

    but i never noticed the forum thing o.O

  2. BasilMarket USED to have a link to it, but yeah, it did end, and so did like, the other 4 links. Oh well, typing in -www.MMotales.com- is just as easy as typing BasilMarket.com and then clicking the lonk

  3. Noticed the forum thing and the Basil thing.
    About a few months and weeks ago, respectivly.
    Forum thing, please fix it, it looks really weird.
    Basil thing, I don’t care. More pie and waffles for us.


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