FlyFF? Heck yeah!!

Hello again, my fellow friends.
Tis’ I, Fenrir with a piece of good news to share.

Fenrir said: ” You traitor!!! 1 month I am gone, and now what??!!! YOU BETRAYER TO THE ART OF RUNESCAPE!!!!! “

*wonky sound*


I have dicovered the art of FlyFF.

Short for Fly For Fun to those who cannot read acronyms.

Quite fun, actually.
Almost like RuneScape but in a more 3-D and more detailed form.

An art, I must say.

Met Nightshade in the town.

A friendly guy he is.

Although he did not give me any free equipment.


Fenrir said: ” I, as your other self, FORBID YOU to talk about this FlyFF thing. I will not-“

Lock him in the dungeons shall I?

Fenrir said: ” Damn you, my solid self!!! Get your filthy hands off me you little…. “

Tut tut.

Anything you say will be counted as evidence against you and your charges of defamation, young man.

Anyway, back to the topic.

I leveled twice today.

In a short while too.

15 minutes to be exact.

Well, Goodbye for now.

Don’t want my dilapidated dinosaur of a computer to shut down on me.

Fenrir said: ” You have not seen the LAST OF ME!!!!!!! *screams* “

9 thoughts on “FlyFF? Heck yeah!!”

  1. Fenrir’s other self is back. My loyalty to maple shall not fade, FenrirXE GET BACK ON MAPLE.

    Do you fly in the game?

  2. Ehh. . .

    Not yet. Still a worthless newb there.

    And its XE for the record, please.

    Fenrir said: “Die you meaningless imbecile of a solid self! GGRRR. . .”
  3. I don’t know why but alot of people always quit Flyff around lvl 35, I used to play it until I got bored of continously healing my lvl 43 merc friend and when Gala-Net closed of acess to Flyff from china > <

  4. Yay.

    How can an “other self” leave you.

    I always thought it was kinda like your imaginary friend.

  5. Lol, I stopped playing FlyFF A long time ago. T.T I started up and suddenly a billion shops, megaphones, and people talking and npcs POP UP!

    And what do I do? I scream “Hello?!?! Can anybody help me because I have no idea where the monsters are and I’m really confused”

    Lol, And what happens? Nothing at all. Everybody else goes along with their Fly For Fun lives and the GM’s like GM Potatoe happily run along,

    Here I am abandoned jumping up and down talking to npc and yet find no way out of this infernal, cursed, disgusting TOWN!

    Yep, End of my rant, So, Yeah,

    Ramen said: “Don’t worry old chap, just eat me and drink my soup and you’ll feel alot better”

    Thanks alot!

    Ramen said: “*whispers*little does he know I put poisin in it!”

    I HEARD THAT! Sorry, for this interruption. *closes door and hears screaming*

  6. Yah and one more thing congrats on finding FlyFF a new game to play. Maybe you might meet my friend. T.T He said he would help m– Sry Its your blog

  7. Hehehehe, I can give you free equipment! Just ask me, I’ll add you. If I can work out how. I’m a merc now. But you get heaps of equips from Burudengs (the blue crawly beetle/rhino things) upwards. Good luck!

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