Thought up of a name for this story.
Gah, just read this piece of badly written paragraphs.
His sword sliced through the Tauro’s body, the bull-human didn’t have time to react. Blood spilled, staining the once clean grounds of the town square. Fenrir’s left cheek was now pure white. The humans were motivated by that spectacular kill. Psychologically charged, the human defenders raged on, killing any monsters that stood in their way. The artillery men were now off their turrets and joining the fight, fearing that the Steelies would harm one of the human defenders.
Now, it was the time for the archers to shine. TWAAANG the strings of their bows vibrated, releasing an arrow per person down at the approaching monster legion! Every monster who was struck by the arrows, slumped on the ground, lifeless. Unfortunately for the humans, the monsters loosed a ranged attack of their own,
PIXIE MAGIC!!! BARRIERS UP!! shouted a Mage commander. On his command, mages in every corner of the battle raised their staves or wands. The massive power of the mages created a barrier, protecting the humans from dangerous pixie magic.
The pixie magic resembled fireballs with a faint glow of pixie dust at the tail of the fireballs. The fireballs disappeared once they touched the barrier, rendering them useless.
The pixies just kept on firing, never giving up, not caring for one bit about the barrier. The relentless rain of pixie magic tired out the mages, some of them passed out, some went to their aid, some were still fending off the pixie magic.
It seemed that Henesys was going to fall into the monsters hands. When suddenly .
The rogues from the modern-looking city, Kerning, barged through the north gate to join the battle. Fenrir mumbled, Darn thieves wont ignore a battle like this He saw the legendary leader of the guild, Genesis. The Ninja, ruthless and uncaring, armed to the teeth with an assortment of weapons. Nunchakus, katanas, shuriken star, you name it, he has it. He didnt have a name. No, instead people called him Ninja affectionately, for he defended Kerning from the monsters few years ago.
The thieves are rocking this joint, YO!
Was that too long?
Comments appreciated greatly though.
Why do people always do the opposite of what you ask?
No, that wasn’t too long. Don’t worry about the length.
Didn’t expect a cameo.
The Ninja charges per appearance.
Not really. xD
woot. I love it Fenrir! It’s awesume. Write more!
I rate it 10/10 btw
Expect a cameo, YOU SHALL!
Nice start wolf boy
Just see how long you can write this for.
Like 2 weeks?
Then I need to concentrate on studies.
Must. . . Get. . .All. . .As. . .for. . .streaming. . .GAAH!
Now I can stay at home and slack off.
While I’ll burst with laughter at you working!
Im so evil xD
Evil man, you!
Not really, i have a history essay and art planning to do for next next wednesday.
Hehe, and since theres a school trip, and i can’t go there, i get another 1 week to stay home!
once again nice story, make it longerXD.