I was darn busy yesterday, so I couldn’t post this chapter.
For your information (or confusion):
Fiona – Ranger, Guild leader
Ris – Fiona’s brother, Hermit
James – Dragon Knight
Leonard – Hippy, White Knight
Grace – Battle cleric
Clement – Sniper, Aristocrat
6 main characters! Isn’t that a lot?!
The Stone Golem raised its bulky grey arms, preparing to smash the two squishable humans into bits and hang their entrails on its head. Clement was reloading his crossbows when the Stone Golems arms started falling on him. Ah crap. He mumbled just as the crushing fist of the Golem was stopped by the blade of a pole arm.
Where were you?! Ris screamed in irritation.
James grinned and swung his pole arm overhead, causing the fist of the golem to fling backwards. He closed his eyes and muttered some words under his breath in Perionese, and at the same time, his pole arm stared to glow a bright purple. Clement and Ris kept firing their projectiles at the Golem, stalling time for the spearmans finishing move.
James opened his eyes wide with dilated pupils. This was one serious spearman. He jumped up in the air, higher than what he normally could with his pole arm over his head. The arch followed James for a few moments, and disappeared when his pole arm started to sink into cold, hard rock.
Clement and Ris stared in disbelief. How could a flimsy bladed pole arm cut through rock?! Ris thought. Clements mind was blank. The battle ended in a matter of seconds with James and his ever-trusty pole arm.
A few hours of boring trekking, they found Fiona, Grace, and Leonard sitting on the ground. WHERE WERE YOU?! IM HUNGRYYYYYYY! Grace cried out innocently, still not knowing what had actually happened.
Well hunt for some tomorrow. Now, we got to go deeper and lose that slowpoke of a golem! Fiona quipped. The small guild trekked onwards, now ignoring anything what looks suspiciously like a big, engraved rock with a lone flower on the top.
Meanwhile in the deeper reaches of the Cursed Sanctuary, the Balrog looked up from his Tauromacis meal for ten. The humans arrive. Eliminate them, Caine. The balrog said with a hint of authority. Yes, leader! The Taurospear leader bowed down to the balrog.
He picked some of his best warriors and left for the middle cavern of the dungeon. The humans were still resting beside the twenty four hour van. Yummy, more! More! Grace exclaimed, still with unlimited exuberance. I didnt bring much money with me, mlady, youll have to bear with it a little more. The doting crossbowman chastised her.
They set off after a few hours of rest, and with Graces stomach filled.
The second day arrived. Nothing much happened until they heard rumblings coming from the inner cavern. Must be more of those stone golems, I guess Ris spoke softly. I AM HUNGR- Grace screamed out in random, Leonard the Page gagged her with a wad of cloth in case the stone golems heard her rantings.
On the other side, Caine, the taurospear chieftain, looked up. His acute hearing picked up a girls scream. It got louder, and louder. He had no choice but to stuff two boulders to his ears to prevent him from going deaf. That must be the human, onwards! He whispered, loud enough for his tauren to hear but soft enough for humans not to hear it.
James looked at his magically enchanted watch, the day had just ended. We wont rest till we find that Balrog, people! Fiona urged. The rest nodded in agreement, even Grace did.
Caines ears picked up another human talking. It sounded more feminine, and it was as if the voice was urging on a group of people. The sound got nearer and nearer, There they are, sir! His lieutenant exclaimed, Lets go for the kill, Caine! he said to his leader.
Aye, raise your spears! We are on the attack, men! GEMINI FORMATION! Caine screamed at the top of his lungs, his men spreaded out, making two very long lines on his left and right. It looked as if there were many of them from the front, but from the top, it looked like only a small platoon of tauren.
The guild looked up in unison, surprised to see that stone golems could talk but that was no stone golems, it was-
TAUROSPEARS, RUN!! WE CANT LAST LONG IN A FIGHT AGAINST THEM! Ris cried out loud. Chill, man. We can handle them, dude. Leonard answered coolly.
Fionas battle senses came on. Her natural instinct in leadership rose through her emotions, taking over them. We fight! They are no match for our honed skills! They are no match in a fight against MY GUILD! She shouted at the top of her lungs, nocking four steel-tipped arrows to her ornate bow.
Its absolute bedlam now, isnt it mlady. Clement commented with the air of an aristocratic general going into battle.
This is why I hate healing! Grace muttered to herself, spitting out the cloth gag, raising her wand and casting a shining bow out of it.
The tides of war has broken. It begins now.
Well, wasn’t that pretty much cliched?
Comment now!
Cookies for everyone!
Guess who Grace resembles in personality. ROFL. XD
Silver, Beastie?
Random Guess .
COMMENT people!
Anni! XD
*seizes cookie, thinks a bit, then seizes FennyEscargot as well* ^^ I’m hungry, see.
*seizes cookie, thinks a bit, then seizes FennyEscargot as well* ^^ I’m hungry, see.”
Me. .?
*Pokes Silvahh*
I’m not hungry all the time!
*Waves cookie*
chapter 3 ? new story? O_O i’ll read the previous chapters first. . . but not now. . . homeworkT_T
hehe Perionese
the story is a bit bland
Hmmm, somehow, this sounds alot like warcraft. Taurens much? And Caine. Wasn’t he the leader of the bloodhoof taurens? Thank god, im such a gaming whiz.