So, lots of stuff has happened since the last blog was written. I don’t really know how to pile it all up into one blog, but that’s okay.
I went to my friend’s wedding a while back. Sam (Syoria) and Shoe (DarKxShoE) were the ones being wed. Here’s a video of them.
At 00:27-00:30, there’s a shot of me on stairs. I’m not wearing pants. Fun. Also, when Pure goes to get the keys, I’m on her right.
Just thought I should point out the points where I’m in it. xD
Let’s see. What else happened? Ah, yes. After the wedding, I met Ru (Rukan), and immediately, we clicked. I think it was the whole archer thing going on. So, yeah, we’re good friends now. Yay! n3n;
Moving on. When school started back up again after winter recess, I wasn’t able to play MS, ever. My levelling suffered dearly, as did my urge to train. But, that’s okay, I’ll get to level 55 eventually.
Ah, yes. I recently got a new makeover, because my old look was getting old. That, and my old hair was just annoying me. I had Metrosexual hair for almost a year. It was beginning to bore me. So, I went to Amoria, and used precisely four EXP tickets. With the first, I got what I believe is called the Monica. It’s a ponytail, with two little beads on the top of the head. I don’t really know how to describe it, but that’s okay. With the next EXP coupon, I got the Metrosexual hair again. I then used Claudia’s hair coupon, and got the bright red, very big pony-tail, which was good for some laughs. With the last coupon, I got the Daisy-Do, and decided that it was pretty cute. I then bought myself a new outfit. Yay. (Picture number two.)
I was training my perma-beginner a few days ago, and someone began to KS me. The conversation is shown in picture number one. Then, once he had left, someone else came down and started to annoy everyone on the map by just being a pest. I don’t understand people some times.
Also, yesterday, my friend Ryo (Teilayh) had used my character name in a super megaphone, and as I was getting whispers from tons and tons of people, someone recognised me. It ends up that he was part of the Hami Squad, which died out when Hami quit Maple. So, ta-daa, I met up with an old friend. I love happy endings.
That’s all I can think of for now.
So, this is the end of this absolutely gigantic blog. Sorry for taking up so much of your time.
The site wasn’t letting me upload the pictures. So, here they are, in links.
Picture number one: link
Picture number two: link
Happy Mapling,
Panda. <3
link it faelli
dont use embed codes
link it
I realised that, Waffle.
I wanted the Monica. T_T But I got Rose instead. Bah.
I saw when Teilayh was megaphoning. It was something about bearsecks or something like that. He’s in my mage’s guild. o_O
That’s good to hear.
Be glad that you’re not playing on a boy account. The hairstyles people can get from Claudia with male characters are AWFUL. If you don’t get a Toben or other beginner hat, you’ll be damned with either a Bowlcut (orange one, too) or a Buzzcut with lines.
But so far most of the hairstyles the female characters are getting are somewhat decent – red ponytails, long black hair (Angelica), the one in your second picture – nothing of the crap us males are getting.
That’s all I actually have for now. See you on Maple. :O
‘Sup? =3
Didn’t know you were still playing =o
Awee fairy. =DD <3.
P.S.: Me = Jess.