Well it would b sound weird but this its my first mage ever =) (yeh i’ve played a little whit my friend’s mages) but this mine mine mine and only mine xP *hooge snuggle* ~it will b an ice/lit mage BTW) all its in this pics my noob training
In the way i was fooling people, helping newbs to choose their way (newbs not noobs), i found some idiots too -_-
See all screenies for more “entertaiment” xP
if ure asking it im not a newb xP (see my MMOid)
Oh and feel free to add me, in fact, ill love it =) (i play in broa) its LuzBeI ( i tried to use a “L” but it was already taken =/)
oh btw the last screeny i just liked their names and their guild and the fact they where EXACTLY xP
that’s cute, the Mario Brothers XD
mariobros ROCK, s3xb0mb is f@g, lol
hey i think i kno u or ur other char
was something starting with L and ending with Bei
had a megaphone and was advertising recruiting guild members cleric lvl 50+
o wel gratz on becoming a mage and welcome to the magician family ^.^
lol i actually spent 2 hrs waiting with grendel welcoming ppl to the mage family
yes ppl thought i was mad