As i promised in some blogs to up some images from my manga = o
Sorry for the shade the cellphone sux
its not done yet (Im soooooooooooooooo lazy =3)
Pic1: Kaede whit her nameless buddy >_<
Pic2: Evil Kaede (^¬^)
PIc3. thats meeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^^ (yeah i got that scar in real life ¬¬)
Pic4: guess whos my sensei at drawing = o yes! its rukia =D
….Itsumo arigatou, honto arigatou, Tatoe doko ni tatte kimi no sonzai ni Kansha ****eru yo….
EDIT : srry for double post >_> here is the third pic
EDIT2: cmon people = o say something >_< what you think? should i change something?
EDIT3: i just made this =P it proves i made it cuz its at >>>>> link <<<<<<<<
Why did you post your blog twice? o.O
Urmm,anyway,those are nice but i can’t seem to see the third pic -_-
There =D *post too short*
Aww, cute! *my post is too short too, lol*
thx for the comments =D
Ah, is this in the Maple Story universe, or your own? If the former, why are there tuh funky and adorably cute Jr. Effy type thingers! D:
But I love the style ^_^ <3 The lack of forehead in the second picture somewhat bothers me, but it’s still all SO CUUTE! <3
Well IndigoLove as you can see i used a “changed” pirate female set, pirate boots, a geta (deadly fin), and dark? pow (lvl 60 thief gloves) the other its on my own,
What you mean whit “Jr, Effy type thingers!” ._.
XD Hee hee. Tis all good.
But those. . . FLAME SPBLEH’S! (I remember a user used that word in a comment on my “Cliche Story”, and I HAVE to use it sometime before I die)
They’re so adorable and. . .
They look edible o.o -pokes-
What aaaare joo? D: -pokes again-
By the way, mind a translation for the inputted Japanese?
I hate to sound like an anime noob (even though I’m an avid fan), but I haven’t studied it (I’m not Japanese afterall! XD)
Thanks for always. Thanks, for real. No matter where you are, I’m grateful for your presence.
Bleach ending 2 “Thank You!”
Lesse, I’m an avid artist, so I’m tempted to critique. But I must ask, are you LOOKING for critiques on things like your proportions and such?
yeah you can say what you think about it = o
Yay! Okay, first, I’d like to point out how ADORABLE your style is. I REALLY should get some character sketches up of my stories’ characters, but I have no scanner, so it takes me a while with my mouse.
In the first pic, I’m glad you put some shape to the clothes, since so often, people draw on flat clothing, which looks rather silly unless you’re a paper doll. The shoulders don’t quite slope properly, either the one closest to us doesn’t slope enough, or the one farthest away does too much. Also, remember where your thumbs are, I *think* I see a pinky where a thumb should be, but I could be wrong. Remember, unless it’s some odd pose, the thumbs always face toward the body.
Also, please keep in mind that with that style, you have to make sure the waist isn’t too long, which in this pic it slightly is. So the legs should be up a teeny bit higher, and the knees aswell.
The second one is slightly out of proportion with the face, since one eye is really big for the other side to be having none at all. >3 Even if one eye is hidden, the eye closest to us shouldn’t take up that much space. If it was turned more, then the nose would be farther away from us and the chin farther out. See? :3
The face shot I don’t have anything to complain about, surprisingly.
And the last one, is funny. <3333 Bleach ish luff!
Wow thx Mip for that critique it really gives me so much to improve =D, i just realized the eye yeah its big the waist its too long =/ hmm, well time to draw! (THAT type of critiques me inspire me to draw a lot ^^) oh BTW yes that “pinky” its her thumb” >_> its too tiny!
Bleach ish! link that escene cracked me out xD
Anyone else want to comment something?
T_T anyone else? plz comment
Woot I’d love Rukia to teach me to draw like that ^^ haha.
Oohh nice work with the clean wg >D