Lvl 50! Yay me! x)

Today Friday, October the 20th of 2006, at 15:07:35 hours =P I lvled to 50 ^^

I haven’t lvled to that far in months o.o! since my page lvl to 50 ( about January ) I have been trough a lot of games.

– Rakion ( I’m still playing it )
– Flyff ( Quitted )
– Knight Online ( Don’t play it sucky alert )
– Diablo II ( Good game but I couldn’t play in battlenet )
– Counter Strike ( Good old times )
– Max Payne 2 ( Awesome game )

Anyways after killing some lorangs I lvled ^^ ( Pic 1 ) I put on my new stuff ( Pic 2 ) I decided to take a walk around maple world.

My first goal was trying to kill some bufoons at Ludibrium. . . . it sucked xD no really it sucked I just managed to kill the little green ones then I missed the next. I got killed by a giant spirit viking T_T.

After reviving and getting on boat I got in my way to Orbis.
I arrived to Orbis and my first shot was see my damage at Cellions ( Big kitties ). I’m still kill them with 3 cold beams, same as usual but I don’t miss anymore ^^. After being assassinated by a lucida I got on the boat to Ellinia.

In the way to Ellinia I saw a ex-guildmate ( He got expelled for vac-hacking ) Kritinroshan, he’s lvl 109 O_o ( Pic 3 ) I said “Hi” he said “hi” then the conversation ended.
Well the boat landed at Ellinia and I quicly got to tauromacis/spear area I still own tauromacis but I almost got killed by a spear >_>! Well got to JrBalrog site ( with no rog on it ) and scrolled back to Sleepywood.

I checked up my etc inventory and saw 10 Halloween candy, I said “Why not?” and took a taxi to Kerning city.
I traded the 10 candy to the Malady and . . . No candies for me =(! I felt cheated ><“
After trying to kill the Witch I took my way to my last goal Perion

I arrived to the rocky city and got my way to Red Drakes x) and Yay! just 3 – 4 hits K.O. without miss =D I’m stucking there until lvl 7x =P.

Well that was my day in Maple Story ^^ it was funny after all

I hope I didn’t bored you =S

Likelys are welcome ^^


Oh the last pic, Idrawed it last night ^^ I hope you like it =)

15 thoughts on “Lvl 50! Yay me! x)”


    I remember when I got to lvl 50; I was overjoyed. Ahhh. Good times. -w-

  2. Caelio said: “Hey Lvl 50 huh? Remember our bet you will fall at lvl 62 ¬¬!”

    No you little cheater =_= I will get to lvl 100 >=D

  3. Icy said: “1s pic seems lik u vaccing, or maybe its just me”

    I know someone will say that.

    No I don’t vac How can I prove it?

    1. With vac ( mostly hackers use vac with god mode ) I don’t get hit if you look at the pic I got hit by a lorang.
    2. What I do is tele mob I go to the left attract all the lorangs with thunderbolt and teleport then kill the big mob in the other corner.
    3. You are completely free to see me train for hours if you want to. ( Scania-IceElementer )
    4. You can check dayly my move in rank thingie.
    5. You can ask my guild if I vac.

    I don’t like that comments =/ sorry I hate hacks.


  4. drunkdaddy said: “+80

    dam brah, thats some massive exp.
    It makes me wonder. . .”

    Yeah. So unlike a slow-leveling bowman (me). My lower left corner looks like:
    *few seconds later*
    *few seconds later*

  5. And unfortunately for me, 48 isn’t much of a big deal. I’m just about to turn 48 (level, not age, idiots!) so I’ll probably be disappointed but somehow right now I’m simply obsessed with getting to level 48.

    But level 50’s the real deal. That’s when my damage is gonna jump by like 300. And I won’t look fugly anymore ^_^

  6. congratz on getting to level 50, i have a level 69 ice lightning ‘cept i use both cold beam and thunderbolt on macis and crabs, ever thought of going
    to aquaroad dungeon? thunderbolt,thunderbolt and bam! all the monsters around you die, eh,

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