Hi! ^^
I made this for my manga so what you think? I know its a bit crappy but that’s only a skecth =)
Ill be uploading more later ^^
Let’s start whit the warrior class.
Crusader link : Well I like this one, The doom bringer and the combo stuff are crappy =(
White knight link : Since white knights have elemental power I thought that, making swords whit fire, ice or lit
Dragon knight link : He’s the “bad guy” of the story =P I dont know that dragon on his back ._. weird.
Well what you think people? Comment your opininos
It’s pretty good, maybe you should use computer paper for your next drawings, it makes the pictures look more professional and better in my opinion.
So lazy to do that =P
They look good, I draw too. Except, I don’t have a scanner >.> or photoshop. T_T
Looks awesome, I’d make my own but no scanner/photoshop/patience
They look pretty good, I especially like the look on the WK’s face. The DK looks a bit. . .strange. . .something about his face. Besides the evil expression, that is.
Good job. ^^
Me likey ^_^ especially WK, except I wasn’t really a fan of the DK -_-
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i likey the crusader, looks like it gonna chop a rock in half
i liked the WK the best, his face was cool =)
gujju ♥
Yea i like the WK too =D