Job Sketches II

Hi! again thanks for the comments in the previous blog.

Now I’ll go whit the archer class =)

Ranger link : Well I made the clothes and the bow, I dont like the bow I will modify it.

Sniper link : I like her =) But again the weapon is crappy.ç

I’ll be uploading more later.

Comment your opinion.

Thanks =)


13 thoughts on “Job Sketches II”

  1. lol
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    i like the sniper!, well the Xbow, no, but the rest is good

  2. ok, um, you don’t have to post the banana dude on every one of your comments, ok?

  3. Better than the other sketches I’ve seen.
    Its ok. 7/10.

    But seriously, the other sketch thing I saw made me barf. The eyes took like 2/3 of the face. Thats mutated.

  4. Can anyone help me draw my warrior? If so, pm me at basil, xdynamicxms. I would love to have my pic!

  5. Bishoujo is supposed to have mutated faces drunkdaddy. Eyes are a big part of manga.

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