Well ._.
*looks around*
Anyways….how are you people? I’m good, I’m fine thanks for wondering.
I’ll start telling you that this is not about Maple Story I know, but there’s no game tag for Cabal so >_>
Cabal Online
So for the ones that didn’t know I left Maple for some winter vacations from it, in fact from every game. Well, so one day wandering around internet my friend told me to try this game, aparently new and full of action.
Cabal Online ( well it’s Europe Cabal Online so yeah… )
I’ts a good game in fact, full of action, good community, nice grafics and skills. The only thing that ‘sux’ it’s the hardware requirements. ( 512Mb for RAM, GOOD Grafic Card and a Good internet speed ) I can’t (still) aford those requirements so I have to play with low grafic quallity >_>
Anyways this is an awesome game in my opinion.
Force Blader
There’s 6 classes in the game:
-Warrior (Big sword and shiny armor)
-Blader (Two swords and awesome speed)
-Wizard (Awesome damage and skills)
-Force Shielder (Tanks and regular Attack)
-Force Archer (Long range and this class is the assist class of the game)
-Force Blader (Blader + Wizard = ? )
The last class, force blader, atracted me ALOT since it got some awesome skills and regular but constant damage. SO I choosed it ( and the fact it has some skills like Dante from Devil May Cry >w< )
Well what else to say? Oh yeah
I’m level 50!
I got my second battle mode
It’s awesome you charge your sword and then blast ( literally) a magic skill while you throw your sword in the air, and the AOE omg that’s what I call a SHINY SKILL!
Well that was all I think I’ll leave you with some videos.
Second Battle mode
‘At Level 50, each character can learn their 2nd battle mode.
Collect exclusive weapons, target and slaughter multiple enemies with the ultimate power of force!’
First Battle mode
‘At Level 30, each character can learn their 1st battle mode.
Many powerful skills and battle scenes will become available.’
Cabal Online official Trailer
So here come my screenies
Pic1: that’s me
Pic2: Me against some big mosquitos.
Pic3: My second battle mode
Pic4: Blasting 1337 cannon (I like to call it like that :3) see the sword flying ?
Pic5: Aoe ( Prismatic Blade Cannon )
Cabal Online ?
I must try it later
o ive heard of this game its f2p am i right?
Used to be p2p but now it’s free foreva D:
yea thought so,
What’s the site? :]
This game loooks soo kickass.
Where can i find it?
are the archers the ones who uses guns?
Yes, last I checked the global version was in closed beta. Is there any new info?
I can’t download it so I’m gonna play Europe version.
I finished downloading, now trying it.
Uh oh, it doesn’t work for me! >.<
The English Cabal is closed and shut down. They gave up on it(or at least my bro said)
He wanted to play this so bad that he spent 5 hours trying to get past the Europe IP ban.
I did too!
I wanna pway >.<;
send me the link to the site
I’ll find a way to bypass the IP ban somehow