Today… ended….all I was fighting for, all I was trying to “afford”, ALL I was trying to save……
I was in my msn then my friend logged in….I just said:
Me: Hi?
Her:=/ hello…
Me: huh? what happened?
Her. Ill be at ms
Me: Huh?
~xxxx is logged out~
Me: ._.?
I quickly logged in ms and whisper her
Me: Hey wats wrong?
Her: =/ You should learn to accept other people deccisions…
Me: Hey Im trying to….and i didnt do anything to you….or did I?
Her: you have to told this to everyone?
Me: huh? (in that moment i thought “cool did she looked at my blog?”…then i remembered she dont know english)
Me: i havent told to nobody about this….at least anybody important to you…
Her: My brother’s fried told him he know about he cheats from you…
Me: yeah i told him…. ( the third friend dont know he was cheating, and he, my friend’s brother and me, are we really close ~at least we were…)
Her: how could you….
Me: we are realy close friends and it wont cause anything….
Her: ~starts saying its just a game and how i could get mad at them and tell everyone about it~
Me: (i got really sad about this) well u say its a game huh? well if its just a game its just some pixels, why u get mad of a comment about a game? u say i should accept it…..but its just a game… should accept the consecuences (i dont know if this is good spelled >_<) of using cheats!
Then we start to discuss about our rl life problems and stuff~ she got madand disabled whisper….
I started talking in buddy chart….she didnt responced once
Me: well i think its the end huh? we know each other since we were at maple island….we were at the same guild….and i think i screwed it all…im sorry about it….
Me: ~waiting for a responce~……
Me: well i really will miss you
i really wil always remeber you, i only want you to do the same =) i wont forget the moments we got and all the happy and sad moments ( rl ones) we passed togheter, i know we r far of each other and i cant call you so often, and all gets down just for a bunch of pixels….
Me: please dont forget me i wont forget you NEVER
Me: take care =)
Me: bye bye…..
Thats all….now im alone….cuz i trust them more than my rl friends….and…and i cant just change their mind ( at least it seems)
I really think i screwed it all this time….
thx for listening….comment what u want to
darn they replaced my “O.M.F.G did she looked at my blogs?” whit cool did she looked at my blogs? -_-
So your friend was caught hacking/cheating in MS?
And, she’s mad at you about it?
I don’t get it.
no shes mad cuz i only telled my friend about it, she said she will onlyuse it until lvl 60 but i dont really beleive her, but anyways, its over, so i woulnd care, anymore
sorry but i think u should read your story again
I have no idea what any of that said
read my other blogs then -_-
Make a note to read your other blogs first
But I dunno, Good luck. I guess it’s a mixture of both of you over-reacting.
Things like this happen, I guess :
Good luck. I say, don’t give up! (Unless you really want to >_<)