Zombie Mushmom ftw!

Yesterday was a completely one-three-three-tee day on Maple! =D I made Munky go online (ah, my powers of persuasion through MSN!) and Ganzicus dropped in (literally, into the golem pit ), we shelled more golems and had the time of our lives. Ganzicus died once (or twice. . .>_&gt and Munky got utterly pwnt by the golems (this was another mule – AwsmMPGair). There was also some sort of glitch when Ganz died – 0 exp, but 99.99% (Hope you don’t mind me using the picture, Ganz). Then when I dropped into the pit, the golems cornered me. =[ Soon after, Aliyah logged online, and Veggie did too!

First we all went to Amoria, where Munky proceeded to – *hysterical laughter* – get a haircut. An orange BOWL haircut, to be precise. I couldn’t stop cracking up every time I saw it, and he borrowed Aliyah’s skullcap to cover it up. >_> We also met up with another MMOTer; Duzzt! My invent was getting extremely clogged up, so I tried to get rid of a pair of weight earrings, and made an AWESOME pun! =D Then the haircut room was getting a little too cramped for my liking, so I went outside and waited for the gang to follow. =D We mucked around for a while, before we decided to attempt: ZOMBIE MUSHMOM! >=O

The first challenge was getting through the ant tunnel. We had two people below level ten, and guiding them through without them dying was quite an admirable feat. =D Of course it helped we had a tank (Duzzt) and a healer (Veggie). =D We got in there, waited for ages for ZMM to spawn. We even tried to summon it by giving it an offering; turkey. To our great relief and excitement, ZMM finally spawned! Of course, a priest (I think) had to pick exactly this moment to come in, and killed ZMM in a matter of seconds.


Thirty minutes of waiting for nothing. *sigh* So we changed channels, and ZMM wasn’t there. Then while we were waiting, Munky. . .went and. . .died. I’m not quite sure how, but he died. Bugger. So I went back out to try and guide him through again, only to have him die at AT II. By trying to kill a zombie mushroom. At level 7. So I went back again, and this time we were successful! We made our way back to the ZMM hideout, where everybody else was going crazy. Then a pro guy came in, and Veggie told us all to be noobs and spam so he would leave. And *punches air* we were successful! =D

Then ZMM spawned. @__@ Gods, that was one. . .cute mushroom! <3 Except for when it did lots of damage on you, and gave you the evil glinty glare. But even that was somewhat cute. Then Aliyah died. =[ So she was floating around, while we were all dealing MISSes to the giant monster. It was crazy. Then it died somehow. @_@ I have no idea who killed it.

After this little escapade, Ganz had to go. =[ So Veggie and I decided to train Aliyah at HHG 1 because she wanted to level and be an archer, and we had lots of fun before I had to log off. xP

Oh, and don’t you think the guy next to me here looks stoned?! @__@ link

15 thoughts on “Zombie Mushmom ftw!”

  1. Actually Saph, I’m Broan. All my mess around characters are on Bera. *lol!*

    Ez, the world from your point of view is, interesting. Oo;

  2. How the heck do you people die? I mean, seriously.Stone golems only hit 250s. My sin has much less HP than you, and Ganzicus could use MG. I just don’t understand >_<

    This almost makes me want to go back to Bera by restoring my (female) sin. Unfortunatly, it has almost nothing on it, and to restore it. . .

    My expectations for my sin is just too high. I wouldn’t go back to the evil memories of Bera, unless I had my awesome equipment back, which was lost after I got hacked. . .

  3. HAH! That was really fun saturday. Sounds like we ALL blogged about it too!

    Yup, I wish I could re-live it!

  4. duzzt said: “ganzicus doesn’t use magic guard, “

    I do.

    But it always mysteriously wears off TOO SOON due to my glitchy Maple

  5. Awesome alright. Wish I was there too. The last time I fooled around with ZMM on muwhaha, I died too.

    The clerics that I play die on a regular basis whenever I go to Stone Golemns. They will die WITHOUT FAIL. So there.

  6. In order:

    What the hell happened to Hisu?

    And Munky, I’m going to kill you. I’m going to disembowel you, with my teeth. I’m going to rip you apart and use the rest of you for Chum. Then I am going to put your head on a stick, and dance around singing the ‘Brave Sir Robin’ song. And everyone will sing it with me. Joyfully.

    All done now.

  7. That sounds like you guys had a lot of fun! Wish I could have been there! Of course, I play on Windia, but it still sounded like fun. ^_^;


    Dw ezy, If any priests ks you with their ub3r pr0 shining ray, i’ll ks them with my ub3r pr0 lightning XD

    (Lightning is quicker to cast than shining ray I think O_O)


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