Weddings, birthdays and anniversaries!

Yes, all. It has passed. What has passed, you may all ask. (Heh, I’m a poet and I didn’t know it xD)

My wedding!

This was seriously. . .one screwed up wedding. @_@ To start the day off, the Ninja contacted me over msn to confirm that the wedding was tomorrow.

Wait, what, tomorrow?! Was my initial thought. So I hurriedly typed back to him:

Ezyan: …today. >>
Ninja: !
Ninja: IT is?!
Ezyan: …yes?
Ezyan: Today’s Wednesday!
Ninja: . . .wait
Ninja: you’re in tomorrow
Ninja: I forgot

So that explained that. Note to self: don’t put actual days up. It just confuzzles people. Realising this might affect others that live in America or thereabout, I quickly searched the rest of my MSN list for people attending the wedding. Munky and Alley. Thank the gods I did too, because they had the same idea as the Ninja.

Then I got told by one of the brides (HISUTERIKKU) that she couldn’t make it because her parents had sprung a last minute day excursion on her last night. And she couldn’t make it back before late at night.


Whoop dee freaking doo! But what happens to the famed threesome?! That was my main concern (yeah, I’m so shallow xD). Instantly, my fingers pressed the Alt Tab combo and I went back to the conversation with the Ninja.

Ezyan: O M F G
Ezyan: O M F G
Ezyan: One of the

Yes, in those exact letters, because I have message history. xD As you can see, I was. . .a little incoherent. xD I spammed this message to Alley and Munky too. Eventually after I’d cooled down a bit, I decided that the wedding should go ahead because it was too bothersome to try and contact everybody to tell them the wedding was off. And because the next time we’d all be free would be in about 3 months, if we were lucky. So I logged on Maple, and reminded everybody that the wedding was today, not tomorrow. No major dramas there, so I was relieved. Until BopBob came along and told me that my OTHER bride was going to be late, because she had a family lunch!

. . .*sigh*

Someone up there hated me. BopBob also informed me that Staverius (the other bride) told me to postpone the wedding an hour later, at 3. So. . .I did. Unfortunately, by doing that, a lot of people like Ganzicus and Munky had to attend the beginning of the wedding and leave very, very quickly.

Just before three, Alley and I met up in Orbis, where we proceeded to head towards the Guild Headquarters, the rendezvous place. I had appointed Alley as the bridesmaid a couple of days before the wedding, and I gave her the Flamboyant Petals to practice chucking them on the stairs. At three, Alley and I sat outside the building and waited for the other guests to arrive. First to come was Ganzicus, and while he jumped around spastically (xD) Duzzt arrived, lagging a bit through the teleport. Next was my other friend, hiomghi. I introduced her to the others already there, and quickly rushed out the teleport as Maple flashed a message to me.

“Staverius has logged in”


Ezyan: Stav, where are you?!
Stav: i’m in el nath.

. . .EL NATH, YOU SAY?! Mentally I kicked myself. Of course she’d be in El Nath. We’d left her there the other day. Nothing was going right!

“HISUTERIKKU has logged in”

On second thoughts, maybe somebody up there was starting to like me. I practically broke my keyboard, typing in buddy chat to BopBob.

Ezyan: Alan, was that you?! [BopBob = Alan. He also has access to HISUTERIKKU’s account, and was telling me earlier on that he could log in and make her stand there, just to symbolise her being there in body, even if not in mind]
BopBob: Nope. . .

I shouted frantically for somebody, anybody who had Orbis Tower scrolls. Thanks Ganz, you are my lifesaver. <3 Ganz asked me how many I needed, then dropped them for me without incurring any charges. THANK YOU SO MUCH! <3 I will pay you back, ya hear?! I abandoned the party gathering outside Guild Headquarters, and rushed down to Orbis Tower. Along the way I met Aliyah, and directed her to Duzzt to guide to Guild Headquarters. It’s times like these when I really wish I was a magician and had teleport.

So I got into Orbis Tower, and used a scroll to get down. Just near the exit of El Nath, I found Rik, Stav and Bop rushing towards the teleport. Whew. At least I didn’t have to run around the place like a mad chook trying to find them.

. . . Shut up.

I used the rest of the scrolls Ganz gave me (luckily Bop had some too), and we all scrolled to the top of Orbis Tower and ran to Guild Headquarters. Halfway along the way, Rikku disappeared.

*slaps hand to face and slumps in seat*

Okay, fine, we’d just have to go with the one bride we had left. The three of us FINALLY reached Guild Headquarters, with an impatient crowd waiting for us. YES. At last! Unfortunately Ganz had logged off while I was rescuing the others. =[ Everybody went into the wedding place, and the ceremony FINALLY STARTED! HUZZAH!


First Alley came in, throwing petals for all she was worth, and Stav followed behind her. The Ninja was our stand-in priest, because the APPOINTED PRIEST *coughDEZIWILLGETYOUBACKFORSTANDINGMEUPcough* didn’t show up.

(See these in order, plocks =])










After this there was the long awaited AFTER PARTY! YAY! The Ninja was most generous and bought a whole bunch of food, including unagi, watermelon, pure water (I think that’s what it was. . .>>;;) and pizza. link ._. It’s so sad that Maple doesn’t offer coke. Then we all feasted ourselves on the stuff, and the Ninja stole Duzzt’s skull earrings. Cue, pandemonium! Duzzt jumped around the place, screaming for the Ninja to return his earrings and everybody else was giggling their heads off. At least, I assume that’s what they were doing because that’s what I was doing!


The Ninja traded me and told me to pretend I’d taken them, and I agreed. So it was hilarious when I ‘owned up’ to taking the earrings. Duzzt then proceeded to thwack me with his pitchfork like thingo, demanding his earrings back. Then on the other side of the map, the Ninja dropped his earrings.

And promptly picked them back again when Duzzt was nearly there. xD

Eventually Duzzt got them back xD (Poor guy, being teased so much). Then Aliyah organised us for a group photo!



Then BopBob announced he had SUMMONING BAGS! >=O We tried to summon them in the makeshift cathedral, but to no avail. So we had to go outside, where Bop summoned giant robots. @_@ No idea what they’re called. xD I was whacking and whacking, getting more MISSes than hits, and eventually Duzzt offered to weaken them. And proceeded to kill them all. xD


After that, we just hung around the place playing stacks on. xD link Then Aliyah did a whatchamacallit! Those messages that appear in the middle of the screen! Thanks Aliyah! You rock! link Subsequently, the Ninja revealed to all that were present that today was Alley’s birthday, as well as their four month anniversary! How sweet!


link Congratz, guys! =D


Then the Ninja decided to have some fun and jump off a ledge. xD He was writing his farewell speech, when somebody decided to push him. xD


May you rest in pieces, my good friend. xD

Oh, and I’d like to formally thank all those who attended the wedding!

Guests: Ganz (you were there for the beginning part, so I’m counting you xD), Duzzt, Aliyah, hiomghi, BopBob
Bridesmaid: Alley
Best Man: Munky (Even though you weren’t very best man-y xD)
Priest/Singer (Warbler): The Ninja

Oh, and another screenie I found hilarious. xD link

Oops, almost forgot. WEDDING PRESENTS! Thank you DUZZT and GANZICUS for the weird candy thingos, and THE NINJA for the golden snowboard! >=O It’s so pretty. <3 THANKS GUYS! =D

Thus concludes my day. xD Hope you guys had days as great as this one! xD

Edit: Dez has given a valid reason as to why she couldn’t come. She’s hereby forgiven. xD

15 thoughts on “Weddings, birthdays and anniversaries!”

  1. Hahas .

    That was funny .




    It was a great idea for the petals .

  2. xD Thanks. I went swimming in Aqua Road one day and suddenly saw those monster drop the petals. xD

    PS: It was a little stuffed before, but now I’ve fixed it up. =D


    Man, sounds like fun stuff. XD I’ll go look through the SSes once I get home from work. 😛

  4. xD Migawd, I didn’t realise I’d stuffed up some SSes. >_< They’re fixed now! =D

    And I hate being COKE DEPRIVED! >_<

  5. Congrats to Ez and Stav *rings wedding bells enthusiastically*

    Love the screen shots. Have you find out why Dez stood you up?

  6. Lol that was so funny

    Congratualtions on getting marriedXD!

    Too bad I couldn’t be there T_T. I only have characters in Khaini. But then again. . . I had to studyT_T friggin MT’s. . .

  7. Now I’m really annoyed I didn’t make it.
    I had my part all planned out too, which went along the lines of turn up at 2:30, yell “I OBJECT!”, attempt to kidnap Stav and then cry/complain about not being invited.
    Plan kinda stalled at the bit where MapleStory.exe was convinced I wasn’t connected to the internet. Despite the fact I had two internet connections WORKING PERFECTLY FINE.
    Anyway, to Ez and Stav! :3
    EDIT: Right, that was my FIFTH attempt to post this. My brain is really not working.

  8. OM FG. Rey! *glomps*

    I did invite you! You can’t gatecrash if you were invited! >3 But cute part you had planned out. xD That would’ve been sweet. <3

  9. Uh, yes, hi Ez.
    Look, I’d glomp you back only I can’t be bothered. I promise to make a more interesting reply to your enthusiastic welcoming when, you know, stuff,
    And we all know how great I am at keeping promises.
    Oh wait, that’s right, I’m annoyed at you for bombing my inbox.
    <insert dismal attempt at stalking off>

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