Fun on Maple. =D

Edit: ZOMG FRONT PAGE. Thanks people. ^^ <3

Hello people. Yes, ’tis I, Ez. Finishing with the Ham mimicking, I went on Maple today! =D Munky, a friend of mine/ours TIGL and I had lots of fun this morning, terrorising people, decorating Christmas trees, and the like.

But before they both met up with me, I trained myself on more Ligators! Watch, as the brave Ez takes on a mass of hungry Ligators! PH34R HER F5 FACE! Bad news; I died on Ligators. Again. ;__; I didn’t watch my health bar, and when I did I saw I was on about 50hp, and I frantically pressed my pots button but then realised I was in buddy chat! AARGH! So I died.

Then ProShot89, also known to most people on this site as DAMUNKY89, signed on and we met up in Ellinia. Then along came TIGL, and here we are all standing in a row. Yay!

We decided to have a little fun, and when an innocent little Chinese girl came up to us, asking us what ‘lol’ meant, we told her and started to terrorise her, and another poor little kid caught in the crossfire. Here’s another shot of us terrorising people.

I kinda missed the jumping shot of Ez in this one, but all you have to do is read the text box and know that Ez jumped. And feel free to read the other parts of the textbox too. xD That was when Munky was trying to drag us off to Happyville, and we were just mucking around. xDDD

So, we FINALLY arrived at Happyville. I felt sorry for the poor snowman, standing there all by his lonesome self, so I dropped a bag of monies for him. =D Then we decorated the trees, and here are the completed Christmas trees. Yeah, the tree decorations are random, but they look prettyful, don’t they? <3

Well, that was our fun morning on Maple. =D

Edit: Playing Maple again (yes, now that it’s working I’m addicted once again. ;_; Good thing it’s the holidays. xD), and I have officially LEVELLED! FINALLY! AFTER AGES OF BEING ON LEVEL 27, EZ IS NOW A LEVEL 28! WATCH HER RAISE HER AXE IN TRIUMPH! xD Well, actually, it was to hit the poor mushroom again that she’d hit to level. I’m on Maple now, so if anyone wants to come play in Bera with me, the IGN’s Ezyan. =D

14 thoughts on “Fun on Maple. =D”

  1. xD LOL! Implement topped christmas trees ftw. >3 *rules*

    Edit: OMF! Dezling is online! Get on msn NAO! >o!

  2. I can’t, my MSN is being ghey. Besides, my internet is slowing really badly from d/ling all the Nirvana/Thrice/Switchfoot/Goo Goo Dolls. XD

  3. You are the same level as my Gemina, Ez 😀 But I have the 1337-er armour: mine adds SPEEEEED. 😀

    [edit] And and and, your ligator picture made my brother and me laugh so hard. 😛

  4. That looks like fun!
    Yea, I feel bad for the snowman, so alone, by himself, and whenever people come to visit, they drop money and items RIGHT INFRONT OF HIM and he can’t pick up any of it.
    So evil. XD

  5. Lol nice ligator killing xD
    hey Indescane, finally! i have never ever met another person other than my sister who also likes goo goo dolls xD, what songs you got?
    anyway, you lost a lot of exp from what your screenies show
    i sympathise lol


    Thanks for teh sympathy, Tuxedo. =] I’m over it now, though. SINCE I LEVELLED. xD

  7. lol sweet lvling is always fun
    too bad i have to lvl a 41 bandit
    which is by the way

  8. OMG! D:<

    EZ’S A WARRIOR! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *visions of blonde bimbo with a piece of lycra stuffed up her butt, shattered*


  9. TuxedoHobo said: “hey Indescane, finally! i have never ever met another person other than my sister who also likes goo goo dolls xD, what songs you got?”

    Uh, lots. I’ve been trawling the internet, so really. Lots. Favourites are Iris, Stay With You and Black Balloon, but I need to get some more. Right now I’m currently going through a Nirvana phase. Pretty sexeh stuff.

    @Reves: . . .WaTeF?! o_O

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