Golden Bandit!

Oh boy, Oh boy. I can’t wait till I get to lvl 50 (I’m level 40). I know that this is very random. But since Maplestory has been kicking in high gear with new equips and stuff. I caught a glimpse of a lvl 5X thief with what looked like gold and black armor (Brown armor).
I was in awe, and inspired =]. So close but no Cigar yet.
I also have a +3 wagner!. 3luk 64att, hopefully I can scroll it somemore!
That will be in 3 levels. . . . Muahahha!
But, I have a question for all the readers. =]
Is there a Gold Identity? I have seen it before, but it isn’t on

Anyways, Thanks for reading!

4 thoughts on “Golden Bandit!”

  1. um, if there is a gold identity (that would be sooo awesome) it’s not out on MS global yet,

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