Something to Share.

So…HI GUYS! I haven’t posted anything for so long XD
I’ve decided to tell you how i’m doing although some of them are really old….but eh~

1. I was going to Orbis yesterday and I thought i would take some screenshots…and i died Personally, I like this pic because it’s nicely taken

2. This is awhile ago…went to coolies in the morning and we mobbed it XD WAR OF THE WORLDS

3.It’s nice being a Poison mage (EndlessPain) cuz you can relax afterwards and see them suffer! > SUFFER!

4. Needed Tauromacis Horns for my maya quest so i got a Cleric (Egam) and a lvl 85 Icemage (IceQue3n)
There were alot of um…the white eyes…XD cold eyes! i think thats what they’re called….>___>resulting in like…FIVE pink conehats XD

5. ZAKUM! But we couldn’t get in because I forgot to talk to my 3rd job instructor…ROFL! but i didn’t die getting there XD!

so ya! I’ll take some more soon….>___>

– VanillaPocki –

12 thoughts on “Something to Share.”

  1. *rubs hands together and drools* if only my attention spasm was longer, I’d be a crusader on bera. . .

  2. Shatred said: “*rubs hands together and drools* if only my attention spasm was longer, I’d be a crusader on bera. . .”

    attention SPAN not attention spasm.

  3. POCKIIIIIIIIII, I haven’t been on MMO in such a long time lol, you never go on ms, T-T, well not when I’m on anyways, your mage is in caelum!?! =O two of my friends are in that guild too lol DDD, just stopping by to say hi , lol I’m guessing darkwar4ever checked my MMoid, Oh yah jenny, i might be quitting ms, or just going inactive/on hiatus because right now I’m terribly bored of it, and lots of work to do,

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