Merry Christmas to all the MMo tales population, It’s time for another one of the Ero’s rants
This time the rant is started by a cash shop item: The Bindi
For those of you that don’t know it a bindi is:
*ornamental dot worn on forehead. The “holy dot” traditionally worn on the forehead of Hindu women is believed to protect women and their husbands. It symbolizes the opening of their spiritual third eye. In addition, it is also associated with Yoga and Aryuvedic principles. Since the most important chakra is considered to be the one between the eyebrows, the Bindi is thought to prevent the loss of energy there. The term Bindi derived from Sanskrit bindu. It is usually a red dot made with vermilion.
* A mark (usually a round, red) worn on the centre of the forehead to show that a woman is married
* A red dot worn between the eyebrows marking the location of the third eye, the eye of inner vision or spiritual wisdom
* An Indian accessory generally worn on the forehead – comes in different colors and shapes and is made of varied materials (beads, stones, felt, etc). Bindis, these days, are self-stick and are usually worn on the forehead, in between the eyebrows. Also commonly known as Bindiya / Kumkum / Tikki.
There. Now that we know what a bindi is here comes my rant
A few months ago i made a secondary account, Since i have 3 mages i decided to try out having at least 1 warrior, 1 archer and a thief. My thief is lvl 32 now and both my archer and warrior are level 28 and 27 respectively.
For my birthday I got nx on that account. I bought 3 amoria exp tickets for hair, 3 random eye color tickets and since i had enough and it was on sale (plus i really wanted one) I bought a bindi!
Once i got high leveled enough on my archer and warrior i decided to try out the kerning PQ. Every 5 seconds get asked in a very disrecspectful manner if i’m a) Hindu, b) muslim, or c) Indian. Personally, i don’t take the questions at all as disrespectful (in fact i find it an honor to be asked, even though i’m none of the 3), what I find extremely ignorant is the way the question is given. Instead of asking “Are you a muslim?” or “Are you Hinduist?” or “Are you from India?” I get “a Bindi, ewww!” “a Bindi, must be Indian, yuck!” “A bindi, die f***in’ muslim”
WTH is that?
For example today i was PQing with a guild member and we get these two random party members an archer and a mage. We get in and the Archer notices i’m using a crossbow ( I lean for bows but i have a lot of crossbow arrows and decided to spend them) and starts repeating over and over “I hate crossbows, they are so slow” like 3 times. I reply “So I’m supposed to care because?” and that ends it
on the 2nd stage of the kerning pq he simply starts acting like a bozo and jumps on ever one of the lines my char is hanging and says I was here first, when he wasn’t
on the 3rd stage he said it “cool!! A Bindi!! she must be Indian! that explains why she’s so dumb” Of course this really pisses me off. My parents taught me that all races and religions are equal so seeing bigotry in any shape or form, even in an online game just gets me mad. I whisper the leader and tell him i’ll quit, He asks me to wait till the pq is over. Sure enough when the PQ is over he’s out of the party, When he talks to the leader and asks why he was kicked, the reason, “You offended her” his defense: ” I only told her crossbows sucks” He didn’t think his stupid remark was offensive in anyway whatsoever.
total Racist idiot
Theres many racists in maple. They all make me want to vomit in terror! D:<
uhgh. . .
I’m Indian, with a tan skinned character, and have faced this sorta crap.
I personally dont even like the bindi item in CS.
I’m Indian, with a tan skinned character, and have faced this sorta crap.
I personally dont even like the bindi item in CS.”
CS? What’s that?
Counter-Strike? o_o
cash shop
Lol ok im so noobie
lol, its ok, i used to think it meant counter stike too.
Funny. From start, I though Guruji and you were bros or sisters
because you have almost the same name.
thats funnier then being the same person, like some people though.
thats funnier then being the same person, like some people though.”
That was wierd. You cracked out for wierd reasons.
You’re wierd.
I don’t like you.
Hehe jk jk
there are many racist people on maplestory. Like during the summer there was a forum war against Asians.>,<
and then there was that one megaphone war in Bera about asians again like a couple days ago.
Seems you can’t get rid of them.
Just live with it.
Ignore them.
You know, you could just unleash Fenrir on them.
Or deprive them of any breakfast awesome foods (Pie, waffle, pancakes. . .).
Personally, I think the latter is a better punishment for the stupid racist/religion-ist.
Just unleash me.
looks like i clicked on the right blog
bashing racist idiots AND waffles?
im in heaven
yeah it happens to me too