What’s purple, green, and really annoying? Why, Wagsaacs of course! I swear, if I have to hunt these for one more quest…
So! The title! Well, let me explain.
See, to be frank, it’s freezing. My house is an ice cube. Not by my request, of course. *rolls eyes* Anyway, after pulling myself away from a certain game, *cough TwilightPrincess cough* I decided I needed something hot to eat while I finished up hunting the Wagsaacs for their bones, and the occasional Bluehoney. So, I did what all of us would do. Made some Ramen! *utter silence* Riiight. After heating up the water, I discovered that the heat was somehow making one of the burners move only slightly enough that the glass plate sitting on it began to shake ever so slightly. That entertained me for about 5 minutes. I’m easily distracted. So, anyway… the Wagsaac hunting. I’ve had worse. But these things are annoying, requiring me to heal more than I’d like. After getting 14 bones, (when I only needed 10) I set out for the NPC “Heltung.”
Okay, first of all, what the heck kind of name is that? It sounds like the name of an evil adviser to the king or something. *cough LordoftheringsGrimaWormtongue cough* What? That was nothing. Anyway, I searched a good 25 minutes for this guy. I looked at a map of all the world’s NPCs, nada. Finally, I search the net and find he’s right next to Saint Hall, which I had been at a hundred times and not seen him. I saw some other NPC’s “?” bubble, but not his. Anyway, I talked to him, and he gave me roughly 15% exp. Not bad. Then he asks me something else. “Hey, why don’t you get an item this time that’s slightly harder to find than the last one! That sounds like fun! Drop dead, Heltung. I set out on that quest, where I leveled up! But I don’t have a picture. I’m slow. I do, however, have a picture of some engrish that struck me as being pretty funny. But hey, this is Flyff. Not like that’s uncommon. Huh. I also happened across a song on my media player that expressed my mood when talking to Heltung. Translated, it said “burning inside with violent anger.” Perfect! (Some of you may know that as One Winged Angel.)
So off I flew into the sunset, finally happy I leveled up. Hey, that’s big for me! On another note, I like using that picture way up there when I don’t have another one to use. I can’t stand the blank space.
I’m easily distracted too! I forgot what that was called or did I?,
Heltung sounds german to me XD
And Wagsaacs truly are annoying. Especially since I don’t see difference between the normal ones and the giant, so I often attacked the giant, resluting in many fast deaths. Joy. But, I think those quests were easy. XD (But finding bluehoney for another quest, was a pain. Even to find anyone selling it. T_T)
I can’t stand the wagsaacs either. First of all, they have a weird name. Second, they look like eggplants on crack D: and that’s pretty scary. XD and I love eggplants normally~
Yes, ramen is a good way to warm up. What do you put in yours? Usually I throw some meat (pork, beef or chicken, sometimes shrimp if I have it), veggies, and slices of hardboiled egg plus dried nori on top, or shake in a little furikake. Yum yum~ (^__^)
Yes, ramen is a good way to warm up. What do you put in yours? Usually I throw some meat (pork, beef or chicken, sometimes shrimp if I have it), veggies, and slices of hardboiled egg plus dried nori on top, or shake in a little furikake. Yum yum~ (^__^)”
Thehehe. Wagsaac. x]
Wow, you don’t eat ramen, you eat a three-course meal.
I boil mine to death and just eat it.
I don’t even boil it. I chuck the noodles into hot water from the hot water flask (microwave if necessary), add in the condiments, and eat. >>;
And of course, I’m talking about instant mee ramen thingoes.
I also remember, my first death as a Magician was brought upon by a Wagsaac. :3 The second was by a Giant Wagsaac. But I had the pleasure of returning that favour just the other day: I SMACKED THE SILLY OVERSIZED MUTATED EGGPLANT DEAD.
(Thanks, Roisin, for the term. ^^; )
Yes, ramen is a good way to warm up. What do you put in yours? Usually I throw some meat (pork, beef or chicken, sometimes shrimp if I have it), veggies, and slices of hardboiled egg plus dried nori on top, or shake in a little furikake. Yum yum~ (^__^)”
Dang such an extravagent meal you make outta something so simple. I just get a simple Cup O’ Noodles to satisfy my hunger.
Dang it; now I want Cup O’ Noodles. xP
I go all out ‘Jamie Oliver’ on instant noodles.
First death was getting killed by a giant Lawolf. Pathetic. D: