Yes, I like the term Flyffite. Now, as you can see with my pictures already provided, you already know that:
A.I like standing on high places and taking screenshots. It’s my thing.
B.Vagorian is my brother, and he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to FlyFF.
C.Where I was training.
So now, let’s start the main blog off with a bang! (Yes, pun absolutely intended.)
So it starts off as just another day, with Erk being completely moronic and not getting off his broom. Me getting sort of frustrated. So aside from that, and a bit of fooling around, I make my way to the Boss Bangs and drop in for a bit of training, which is something I don’t do too often. Hitting about 20%, I go back to Flarine to sell some things. I had to take this picture, because there were the most braindead shop names I’d seen yet. Can you say, doh? I also saw a member of the Neptune guild, which I thought was a cool name, and it was also started by somebody here, if I remember correctly…
Then I flew back to the Bangs and killed some more. (SLAUGHTER! MU-HU-HA-HA-HA!) Being the total space cadet I am, I sat to regain MP and was distracted by Firefox. Suddenly, I hear music. It sounded familiar, so I clicked back onto the FlyFF window. I think you can guess what had happened. Oops. So then, after realizing what had to be done, I got my EXP back, and the world was saved! *huggles EXP box*
A good while later, somebody invited me to a party. I usually decline, but I had a good feeling about this, so I accepted. I wouldn’t say it was a mistake, but suffice to say a level 14 Vagrant was leading the party, and I’m a level 21 Magician at the time. Yeah. You see where this is going? He then tried to convince me that… well… See for yourselves. After a bit of this conversation he said something wise. “Well, you’re the mage. XD” So eventually, I left that party (since he had EXP on level and all drops on manual) and started my own. He begged me to come back to his, but I declined. He begged me to then invite him, so I caved and did. Then he started bossing me around, telling me to give him leadership for a moment so he could invite people. I calmly told him I’d handle it, and it seemed to satisfy him until I invited a higherlevel assist. He told me to kick her, and she said something along the lines of “OMG WHYSYS!?!?!!//11one!” I told him it’d be unfair to do that, so he eventually left the party. Too. Bad. Really. I love people telling me what to do.
After that was pretty average. Click a monster, hold down F5 and eat food every once in a while. I just sat back at my desk and sipped my Root Beer Milk. (Yeah. It’s good. Sounds gross, but good.) At around 42%, I saw something that made me want to burst out and scream. A noobie level 13 or so Vagrant was running around, and begging people to level her up. I declined Multiple times, but then somebody agreed. Then she begged to be in their guild. It went something like this:
The Vagrant, Wimpos: “can u lvl me plz?”
wimpos: “yay. hey can i b in ur guild?”
wimpos: “do your guild hace a cape”
wimpos: “can u help me lvl plz?”
arlsin, level 24 or so Assist: “yes”
wimpos: “do your guild hace a cape”
She eventually did invite her and all. I wanted to just slap some sense into arlsin, but it’s not my place, so I let it go. Just for the record, that dialogue is extremely accurate. I have a screenshot of it, but there’s no point posting it.
An finally, after all this strife… I…. I…. Leveled up! That’s big for me! Pretty light from the skies above!
So all in all, a very exciting day for myself. Leveling up, especially from the 5% I started with, is MASSIVE for me. It’s like leveling up 3 times in a day for a level 80. Kinda. In a way. Whatever…
In any case, I hope my links work. If not, I’ll work on them.
Haha, arlsin has no common sense. . .or maybe she was jus being friendly =D
Flyff is safer to rest than Maple, but you can still get hit T_T
So, does this mean you’re quitting Maple? Dang, I was going to meet and accost you sometime.
I am practically a glimpse of your Cleric’s FUTURE.
, From the FUTURE.
Mia is where all the cool people are. *snarl*
Apart from that, I’ll assume you are enjoying FlyFF, because who couldn’t enjoy FlyFF? Srsly. 😀