We Love You, Waffle!

Please Waffle, don’t leave! MMOT will never be the same without you! Some hate you, but their hate is unjustified – it is racist hate. We don’t want immature children to make you leave >_<

If you read the previous blog denouncing you, then please disregard it. It was just posted by some random hater. Everyone has enemies; it is a fact of life. You don’t have to leave for any reason other than something that is extremely important.

Scania would lose too much if you left! Think about all your friends there, in Maple!

15 thoughts on “We Love You, Waffle!”

  1. Ill support u all the way. Bring Waffle back!
    We want Waffle!We want Waffle!We want Waffle!
    We want Waffle!We want Waffle!We want Waffle!
    We want Waffle!We want Waffle!We want Waffle!

    goes around in circles chanting We want Waffle!

  2. YesYes. Agreed. FP this, PLOX!

    But if the write was NOT waffle, he isn’t going to see this, because Waffle already quit.

  3. EpicTales said: “Done, Fenrir.”

    Rofl, one sentence on MMO, ya think Mip’ll not delete this? ROFLMFAO.

    I want waffle!



  4. Btw, is the people that were on MMO last year still hear?
    Most of them are on my buddy list cause i wanted to see their blogs and stuff

  5. Waffle must see this! Thanks to everyone who frontpaged this.

    It is almost 1.5 sentences MMO related, and it is immune as long as its one sentence MMO related, so I think it will be fine.

    If Waffle has quit, even if he does not comment, I hope he sees this.

  6. mmmm well, if your using some1’s laptop when they could come back at any minute O_o

  7. If he’s not coming back to this website how will this help, He’ll never see this blog and nothing will change.

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