Analysis – Hacking

[h]This blog contains information that may make you hate me, hackers, or legits. It is recommended that if you either hate hackers or legits, if you are an extremist in any way, or if you already hate me or want to hate me, it is recommended that you leave now. Well, you are forewarned.[/h]

I also fully realize that what I’m writing could banish me as an outcast. I am prepared to take the consequences. If it is requested by enough people, or an admin / mod, I’ll delete this blog.

Hacking Analysis

Here lies an analysis on hacking. I will attempt to examine hacking by looking deep into it, and at each sides arguments.

Since this will be as unbiased as possible, I had to do some things that people may hate me for. I have many experiences of playing legit, grinding and feeling the pain of leveling. I’ve also seen so many people on forums complain about hackers, and some hackers going clean or fighting back.

Let me make this clear now, this blog is not meant to endorse nor condemn hacking. I repeat, to be fair, it has to be as unbiased as possible.

To make it unbiased, I listened to what people, mostly legits said in game as well as on forums, such as MMOTales or Basilmarket. But on the hackers side, I’ve also done research at their own forums. It is very easy to find a hacking forum, and not much harder to hack, if you’re content to just become a script kiddie. A script kiddie is one who doesn’t know much about hacks, and is a leecher. A leecher is one who lets other, more experienced hackers lay out all the hacking tools and items required to hack, and all they do is check boxes.

It is surprising – How much hackers on Basilmarket and MMOTales have revealed, and how easy the professional hackers make it for script kiddies. Although many professional hackers condemn script kiddies, others lay it out for them so they can hack. Now, I don’t understand. Why make it so you have so much competition when you’re hacking every day? Why risk getting all your hacks patched by some stupid script kiddie? I believe some of them have no other purpose then to bring down Maple Global, or even Wizet / Nexon.

I will not go into how hacks work, how to hack, or where to get hacks. I still know very little about them, just their names and basic functions. However, as another part of the unbiased point, I went to try them for myself. Mind you, I don’t hack for personal gain, or to create money to fund other accounts / characters. All accounts that I’ve used for experimental hacking have had their pins changed to something that I do not remember, nor did I write down.

It was too easy to hack. The professional hackers truly made it easy, and my other knowledge from hackers who have posted in Basil or MMOTales. All you have to do is basically download it and tick boxes. I will go no further, anymore would teach a script kiddie and inspire many a hacker. I do not believe that you should hack, but I won’t stop you personally. Although, I strongly recommend that you don’t tell the members of MMOT if you hack, unless you want to come clean, which is recommended. If you must hack, please do it for the good of all, and not for selfish gains that too many hackers do it for.


There are many assumptions made of hackers and legits. I will analyze them with the least possible amount of bias as I can.

Hackers have no life, they just got bot bot bot all day

Legit’s Point of View: They’re fat and lazy and can go rot in hell. They don’t have the perseverance to get to a high level or train. They can’t be bothered to show any effort or use any time at all. They should be banned permanently, every one of them!

Hacker’s Point of View: You’re fat. We can go out and do things while we bot, the worst that will happen to us is that we’ll get banned. We’ll just restart and bot all the way back up. While you’re burning your eyes, we’re out with or friends at the great concert. While you’re strapped for cash, we’re swimming in money. So you just stare at the computer all day, its you that doesn’t have a life. We get everything for no effort, so HAHA, you lose.

Hackers are all mean and nasty

Legit’s Point of View: Can’t you stop being a jerk and an ass!? Why do you have to take 19 1/2 channels and leave all the legits in 1/2 a channel? Can’t you share with your own kind? Damnit, just leave us alone. We don’t like you, and we expect you to CC in our presence, or be reported, since you’re committing the crime, so therefore, we’re the righteous ones.

Hacker’s Point of View: Well at least some of us are nice. Some of us donate stuff to noobs; we give away more items and money than legits do! We also pay more, so they get more money, and we randomly drop items for free!

Legit’s rebuke: You’re increasing inflation

Hacker’s have no effort or perseverance

Legit’s Point of View:You just hack and bot, leveling exponentially faster than us legits do. You easily gain 1 % a minute, while it takes us 6 minutes to get 1 %. You aren’t being fair.

Hacker’s Point of View:Well we took the effort to set up hacks, so we are handsomely rewarded. Too bad.

Hacker’s Are Dumb or Retarded

Legit’s Point of View:Lyk, LOLOMGROFLCOPTERS! You stupid fools go hack and bot in the Land of the Wild Boar, Henesys Hunting Grounds 1, El Nath Cold Field. How much dumber can you get? Hacking in some of the most populated areas ever, stupid noobs.

Hacker’s Point of View:We’re not stupid. You are. You don’t have the intelligence to operate a hack. I’m so smart, I can make my own hacks and I can make my own bypasses for GameGuard. You’re the one missing the IQ, bub.

And that is it for now.


I’ll repeat again, I do not have access to any of the accounts I did my experimental hacking in. I did not ever purposely hurt anyone, drop anyone’s fame, nor report anyone. I did not keep anything that I got from hacking, either. I completely buried the hacking accounts by changing the PIN #s to something completely random that I did not memorize nor write down. All items, mesos and everything else inside were also buried with it. I also changed the PIN # of my legit account, which I now keep in a safe place. I also deleted MS and its installer, and I have no intentions to return to MS.

Flames, comments, contributions, complains, suggestions and such are all welcome. Contributors may PM me and be anonymous, or claim credit, shall you want it.

15 thoughts on “Analysis – Hacking”

  1. I agree.

    I guess. . .

    Global should go Korean style, jail people for hacking. That would be the end of all hacking in MapleStory forever. And IP Banning, we need that too.

  2. Korea jails people for hacking? That’s harsh D:
    Also, what’s the IP in IP Banning stand for? I think I know what IP Banning means, but not what IP stands for.


  3. IP is your computer number, IP Banning makes you so you can’t play the game, access it, or go to its website.

  4. Except that IP banning doesn’t stop professional hackers, since they can change their IP address. But it will kill the script kiddies, and it will stop the brunt of the problem. However, its just a matter of time before the redistribute how to hack, and a way to bypass IP bans.

  5. Lot of people are script kiddies in Maple.

    Preteens-Teens are usually the hackers, I barely think they know how to encode, script, or do all of that nonsense.

    We also people who are around the ages of 9-13 who hack, but they’re also script kiddies, seeing as they can barely type too save their lives, and seeing that they seem to have no intelligence whatsoever. Unless they’re uber-smart, and have their siblings read them huge scripting/encoding books. Of course, I’m between those age groups, seeing that I am still quite a young one.

  6. Dest1, if you do research on a well planned hacking website, you’ll know that the hackers make it so easy, even a caveman could do it. I’m serious.

  7. Geico is also that easy.

    Meh, I don’t wanna go into his hacking business. I’ll just report and be on my way.

  8. Dest1 said: “Geico is also that easy.”

    Do I sense sarcasm?

    Dest1 said: “Meh, I don’t wanna go into his hacking business. I’ll just report and be on my way.”

    That is the smart thing to do.

  9. Great analysis. I must admit, you did a great job. Imma click the “I liked it button”

    Anyways, there’s alot of idiotic script kiddies. I laugh whenever I go through henesys training grounds, because all it is is a bunch of people sittin around a vac.

  10. Isn’t IP internet protocal? Whatever that means. Meh.
    I hate

    the fact that

    I’m super bored

    and it’s midnight

    and MMOtales

    won’t entertain me

    it’s just talking

    about hacks

    it was fun

    to type this

    peace out yall

    kupo nuts fo. . .


    ~Moo. . .


  11. I like the way you’ve laid things out and defined them. It’s as unbiased as possible, and that, I like too.

    But hacking is a dead horse flogged to the bone on this website, the debate of ‘To hack or not to hack’ still raging like Hades.

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