Hackers of BROA pt 2

More hackers that are on broa PT 2! The hackers are either circled in RED or i say there name in description.

Picture #1 and #2
Ok i was at aqualand(duh) trying to do goby training. I looked in squid cause i knew there were some there i switch channels and these 2 guys were hacking. The CB was using Band of Thieves and the other the 3 hit thing. Im disappointed when i see CB hackers. U see them alot now.

Picture #3
The name that is circled DDRreturns i think it was(lol theres a picture there) he did autoloot, i saw something weird going on. I jumped onto that platform and started to drop mesos for mesosexplotion, he lootes them with auto loot(dur) and im like AHHA! He says lolz then runs away.

Picture #4
This guy is a SPEED hacker, he said “360” i dunno why someones like 360 speed?

stayed tuned for pt3, the end i think

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