aaah..spring break is almost over and NOW I’m not feeling well. body betrays me! T_T
No, it’s my eye that betray me. Something got stuck inside it and the blardy thing doesn’t wanna get out! my right eye and my nose is all red and watery and uncomfortable.
..but I’m blogging now 0_0
because I can’t sleep, I hate sleeping in holiday. It makes time passes faster and I really not looking forward to this new semester. The assigments, law debate, exams, aaah! I hate law class a lot. I’m too suck at it because I’m suck in language.
Ok, on to Maple.
I finally level 75. yay~ I’ve reached my goal for this 2 weeks break. No, in fact, 1 week break only for me because I got a lot of stuff going on on the 1st week. this 1 week, I successfully level up 3 times at Fog.
I would have still training right now, making full use of my remaining free times, if not for this eyes which makes me feel so uncomfortable. sigh..
Thanks a lot to Singapore map, now Fog is no longer a hot training spot.
Those CC pl0xer, Kser, EXP hunger, 2x exp coupon-er, are all no longer interested in training there.
I can easily find an empty channel and have the map all for myself. lolx.
But occasionally people will come and asking for slot or map sharing, and sure, they can have it.
When my exp gets to ~85% usually I prefer to not partying, and these people are so kind they don’t mind changing channel when I said “sry, no pting right now”. Actually, they don’t have to CC.. more people can help increase the spawn, but oh well, that’s still very kind of them.
whatever, I’m still really glad I’ve leveled to 75. What’s so good about this level?
because now I finally have my Meso Guard! and my BoT is now lv10.
BoT is really fun, as a bandit, it’s a true pleasure to FINALLY be able to hit multiple mobs. although just 3 mobs at a time, for me right now. I want to max my BoT before going for Meso explosion. to be honest, I’m not so interested in that most famous Chief Bandit skill.
Oh, btw, my character is uber ugly currently because all my cash sets have expired.
I wanna buy a new cash overall and weapon but that 30k per month limit for online purchase not allowed me to do so.
Damn..but i guess that’s a good thing.
oh ya.
Pic 1 : That’s my ugly char.
Pic 2 : A random noob came up to me while I’m training. and died himself.
and…..Is something-got-stuck-inside-ur-eyes a big matter that i shoud go to a clinic? =
Grats on 85.
urm, it’s 75 not 85. but thanks anyway!
Oh, woops, my bad. I is not good grammer in morning.
hehe. no worries. =P
Grats on 75
Woah. . .People CCing even when u don’t ask? NOWAI!?
Yay! Gratz!
I have a simple question
if you’re wearing a normal overall will the top and bottom be able to go with it
or do you have to buy an nx overall?
~LaZzz. . .
@Lazy: You can have a regular overall and equip and NX top or bottom. If you just have one, say pants, then you’ll just have that undershirt on top; the one you get when your nekkid.
yeah, it’s like Mastercheeze said. so i prefer to buy overall cash – save more money. =P
@deathwalker : thanks!
ya, good ppl do exist in Maple. XD