
Don’t ever give out your info. Even to friends.
I know what your thinking. “I would never do that… ever”.
Well. Sometimes. You trust someone so much. And you just kinda slip them your info.
And poof. Your stuff is gone. And they pretend like they’re clueless.

“It wasnt me. It was a friend, there’s nothing I can do about it”

Okay for one, If you hack and you lie about it, at least be somewhat beliveable.
like that.

I’m sorry. I know this blog is kinda random and pointless.
But I lost 130mil to a friend whom I trusted with all my heart.
[Illbis, 2 sets of steelys, 4 sets of tobis, and a ton of icys and kumbis, 10 attk wgs, and a purple bandana]

Be smart. Keep your info to yourself. :]

And if you’re wondering, he didnt change the pin, I’m lucky to still have the account.

7 thoughts on “Hacked.”

  1. this teaches you something
    do not ever ever ever ever give info to ANYONE whom you trust or do not trust,
    its human nature to be greedy

  2. Only one other person apart from me knows my information. And I trust her completely; I’d trust her with my life. xD I know she wouldn’t steal anything from me. Ever. xD Yeah, I know a lot of people are being scammed by their friends of all people, but I’m serious; she wouldn’t steal anything from me.

  3. I only trust 1 of my friends with my info and thats becuase he plays in Bera and I play in Scania so it wont help him much =D


    P.S I know him in real life he lives like 2 houses away
    P.S.S If he takes something I can kick his butt xD

  4. You all, don’t scold now. I know, everyone makes mistakes, and I know the heartbreak of getting hacked by a close friend.

    It usually ends in something similar to: “Well, my friend used your account, and they hacked you.” It’s really difficult to continue, when your friends pass the blame, and there’s nothing you can do.

    It sucks, really, and I know you don’t need anyone to tell you not to share your info. I’m really sorry for your loss, and I hope things get better for you.


    (Also, what server are you on, ? If you’re on Bera, maybe I can help.)

  5. Mipsacri said: “You all, don’t scold now. I know, everyone makes mistakes, and I know the heartbreak of getting hacked by a close friend.

    It usually ends in something similar to: “Well, my friend used your account, and they hacked you.” It’s really difficult to continue, when your friends pass the blame, and there’s nothing you can do.

    It sucks, really, and I know you don’t need anyone to tell you not to share your info. I’m really sorry for your loss, and I hope things get better for you.


    (Also, what server are you on, ? If you’re on Bera, maybe I can help.)”

    I agree with mip, don’t depress the poor guy anymore,
    I remember when i got hacked at lvl 31, i almost wanted to smash everything up
    and sucide TT.TT, Now that i saw experiences of other people, im trying to endure
    the temptation–

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