Stupid n00bs

well i was in pig beach getting pig heads for my bowman when on my new account, puredivinity, i was at thhe place on the top right then a hole bunch of n00bs came named somthing like itacthyfily(he was like the leaders) fatboy somthin somthin, a lvl 15 or so n00b and vietkid or somthin like that also lvl 1x -_-“. at first i didnt think it was a big deal becuz i was much hier lvl then them but itatchi was a long range sin, iitachi said they were aout to ll up and if i would wait for them to lvl then i could go back, i kindly waited for about a min and the itacthi said fck off u shythead dck at first i thot he was talking to somone else and i realized it was me, he then defamed mwe and called me a n00b(i was lvl 47 and he was lvl 26 and i also have a lvl 7x) so he wanted totart a ks were 0_o go figure

he kept calling me names like dck head and i finally told him bak and said i can see u masturbaiting to george bush when hes 50 years older. then he just stood there for about 10 secs and said ……. ur gay i did the -_-” and got my friends to help ks him, he was so eager to try to ks a guy 21 lvls hier then him he followed me i told him i wasnt even attcking and he said so what i told u to move u should move andd i said i was here first and he said that duznt mean u own it, and i said well if i was here first and i dont own it why sdo u get to own it and kick me out whn u were here 2nd ???? and he just called me a n00b again and i cced and everything he kept following me calling me names and i defameed him(he had like -4 fame already) but it wasnt just him his “gang” or wht ev said like exactly what he said he call me a dck head and they both call me it
i am pissed at the stupidity and ignorance of some maplers these days and frankly i believe that gms should do somthing about it i new he was being the bitch not me and everybody else there kept supporting me anf calling them n00bs which should have gave him the hint that maybe it was HIM being the dck head rather then me but no he just kept repeading whn suomone called him a name u just dont understand me…….. i mean…….. what is that supposed to mean well thank u for reading my blog and tell me if u have ever seen this btch, if u see anyone with the name along itacthikild that is a thief abive lvl 25 then defame him and repport him for herassment plzzz!!

11 thoughts on “Stupid n00bs”

  1. Another lover of the run-on sentence.

    You know, when you get pissed off when a “noob” insults you and then you just insult him back with something just as immature, you’re just as noob as him. I urge you to read my blog entry on noobs, as well =D Any feedback is appreciated :p

  2. simply one thing i start changing channels if they follow they will suffer themselves dun needa waste energy on these mofonic morons

  3. just walk away. just walk away.
    i mean if they keep bugging you, just start cc.
    if they STILL follow you, ( my my. what stalkers ) log off for a few minutes, and then come back on.

  4. , why didn’t you get your guild to mass defame him? Choices are 1. I’m not in a guild, but I know Lv 15’s that are, 2. Everyone in my guild hates me, so they wouldn’t come to help me, 3. I’m lying through my teeth. Oh ya, swearing is illegal. On MS too. One more thing: was he 15 or 25?

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