The war has been won with the haxx0r.
I retrieved my password back and all is well. . .
In the end, drunk people always win. (except in the show COPS)
The following takes place between 6 PM and 6:03 PM
Me: Jake, lets sit down for a sec.
Jake: Haw-haw. M’kay.
Me:“EYYYYY, you beyotch why’d yo take my account!”
Jake: Dude, chill man chill.
Me:Kay, can I have my pass back plox?
Jay: Hella no.
Me:!? *looks for something that enables me some leverage.*
Jake: Hee hee
Me: *takes his sandwich and eats it in one bite* (Im an uber fast eater) What now!?(This is very true btw)
Jake: Dude that wasn’t mine.
Me: F6
Jake: Ha ha! *cracks up* Retard.
At this point in space, I realized that interrogation wasn’t my thing if it did not include violence. Screw persuasive language. It reminds me of my english teacher who I hate uber much.
Me: *Socks him in the face* (OMG, finally! Some action!)
Jake: *squirms*
Me: *Takes his back-pack and searches for something that would enable me leverage*
Jake: *groans*
Me: You made me do that. I hate people who gives a bad name to me. And I’ll go further than you’d think I go to get my rightful name back.
Jake: Geroff my back pack. . .
Me: *takes a dirty magazine out of his back pack* What the hell!?
Jake: Well, I get lonely sometimes.
Me: *flips through the pages*
Jake:. . .
Me: *finds potential leverage* Carmen Electra!
Jake: Dont you dare. . .
Me: *slowly tears picture out of magazine*
Jake: Okay, okay! You win!
Jake: *tells password* But you gotta admit it, that was pretty funny when you ate that guy’s sandwich.
Me: You’re paying him back for the sandwich.
Jake: Fck no! Make me @sshole!
Me” *socks him in the stomach and gives him a dead leg* Considered yourself pwned.
Jake:*groans* dude. . . why?
Me: *runs frantically way in case I had to pay for the guy’s sandwich*
Although bricks were not involved I had solved this problem by first staying calm and using my wits before my brawns.
Some Noob: What brawns!? Haw Haw!
Me: *Throws frag-bricks*
Some Noob: Oh noes! My girlfriend, I mean my mom!
Remember people, stay calm and think of the situation.
There were no big casualties during this interrogation. I made sure that I didn’t “castrate” him too much
And folks, thats how the cookie crumbles. The blogs that were written by him were destroyed. (But sadly, the blog that I wrote about my return was lost as well.) *Thanks cap’n or Mip.*
So good night and g’luck. And thanks for listening.
[EDIT]: I’m keeping soberdaddy because I like the name.
It kinda sounds unreal but I assure you its true.
Hmm. I’m unsure weither I can let this pass, without having a relation to MMOs, but I’m sure I can have an exception this time, since it is indeed an explaination.
Good to see you back, DD. See, I’m not totally mean.
Good to see you back, DD. See, I’m not totally mean.
Thank’s Mip, help from you is like having help from a thousand fleet of soldiers in the army.
And trust me, I really edited out some of the explicit things that really happened.
Eye’m pretty sure Eye remember when you got hacked,
That was when that guy was like, impersonating people and posting things about them?
That caused a huge mess.
~the Seer
HAHA! Yup, thats drunkdaddy alright. You’re so funny. Congrats on getting your acc back!
Wait, so, huh?
Eye guess its the order Eye view things. Eye went to another topic with the author “soberdaddy” was that you as well? Because Eye read this first and thought that this was also by the hacker. So fill me in alright?
And Mip, when did you get any powers at all? Eye’ve been gone for a while.
You always helped people and had a friendly attitude, Eye did see it coming.
But Eye didn’t See it happen.
Eye’m not Seeing straight apparently.
~the Seer
Lol.I thought ‘soberdaddy’ was to tame for you?
Lol! Nice one.
good lor, iwish icould do dat, iwould be kiked out of my school, (I’M MUCH OLDER THAN YOU EVEN UR IN UR TEENAGE)
<<ihate my name
Grammer. People will flame you if you insert ‘lor’ in anywhere here.